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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Throttle returns can be summed up this way. It needs to "return", go to idle when you let go. From any and all throttle settings. Anything else is wrong. What it might do when the engine isn't running, doesn't count. It's ok if it doesn't feel like a real strong return and shut off, since you have to hold it at a throttle setting when riding. As long as it does return to idle when the engine is running and you let go of the throttle. Get it fixed if it does not. Historical footnote: motorcycles didn't used to have a throttle return. Where you set it, was where it stayed. Federal safety rules changed that.
  2. interesting... reactivating old military and production sites owned by military is common. They come and go. Technology changes force most of it to happen, when it wasn't expected. I'm still waiting for the old plant out at the Columbus airport to open back up and produce little robot aircraft by the 10s of thousands. It's only a matter of time and history repeating itself. If it does, I will have a new job. One that pays probably two or three times what I make now.
  3. congrats on the new drive thru. Me thinks maybe quit parking your building on the corner where it's at risk...
  4. I can see bird poop on my seat, in the photo. I really do need to quit parking under trees.
  5. oops, correctomundi It was introduced in Spain late last year.
  6. Yup, Rense is always fun to read. He comes up with the weirdest stuff. He does tend to twist information to suit. It wasn't a bad read till he tried to compare the T-62 main battle tank to M1A1 Abrahms. He neglected to mention that 155mm main gun is an antique. The T-62 has to stop to fire, M1A1 can shoot while moving at top speed. 155mm shell will not hurt an M1A1 no matter how many times it tries. 120mm HESH or HEAT round will go clean through a T-62 and kill the tank behind it. etc, etc. Rense really doesn't have a clue. He's probably wrong on 80%-90% of what he discussed. Besides, the M1A2 is current, not the M1A1. He forgot to mention: 1. North Korea has suffered energy shortages for many years, and any damage to that minimal capability to produce power would be serious. Most power plants would be destroyed or rendered out of action quickly. 2. Based on historical precedence in the Iraqi conflict, all communications and airbases would be destroyed first. Surface to air weapons and missiles rely on communications with radar units. Aircraft do also in typical North Korean order of battle. Most of these would be destroyed on the ground without resistance. 3. North Korea relies on importing food, and without the imports cannot sustain the civilian population. Military food sources are stockpiled. Which are targets. Food actually burns pretty well. 4. North Korea has no satellite intelligence capability. Information would be poor or out of date. 5. North Korea has no satellite communications, so would be out of communications if they left their bases. (All communications jammed except for direct point to point through satellites or fiber optics.) 6. Based on historical precedence in the Iraqi conflict, any military equipment that moved would be spotted and destroyed by weapons from aircraft or artillery that are out of range from counter attack. 7. North Korean ground and air assets typically don't do well at night or in poor weather. A serious disadvantage when facing an opponent that does. 8. Open terrain is easy to maneuver in, but rugged terrain is terrible for armor to try to attack through. Very easy to stop and destroy, if the aircraft or artillery are available to do so. 9. Nuclear is not an option, either because North Korea's abilities are weak, or because defensive laser and ballistic interceptors are available (including SM-3 Ship to Air right off shore on USN missile cruisers), or simply that a single USN submarine is independently capable of destroying the entire country of North Korea all by itself. 10. North Korea's air, land and sea equipment are far from modern, and consists of "modernized" elements of much older designs. All of which do not fair well in modern battle. So poorly from evidence, that most are a liability rather than an advantage.
  7. Siren trumps whatever, watch your six, heh... (and left, right, etc)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJS8j9YYB9w&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TAixFYnDh4
  9. furiners... probably thought the "M" meant motocicleta (motorcycle in Spanish) edit: oh, and not that I ever wanted to go to Spain... but I'll all jealous anyway
  10. May 27th - Monday night car show @ Hooters Hillard Facebook quote: "Hooters of Hilliard Memorial Day Car Show, this Monday! 11am-2pm Registration and 4pm Awards! Lots of Fun and Prizes!"
  11. So China stands on the edge, deciding which way to fall. They want to see the data and evidence for themselves, from the recovered ship that sank, before deciding what to do. This is quite different than the normal response from China. Which is good. It might also be why North Korea suddenly decided to build a wall and barrier and tank traps across the North border between China and North Korea. The story continues... Opinion: China is a good trading partner with both Koreas, and would only stand to win from a reunited Korea. North Korea's population wouldn't complain. Not with all the changes for the better that would happen. So the best thing that could happen? China invades North Korea and occupys it till things settle down and South Korea can take it over (voting/elections). Everyone's happy, USA helps out a bit with tactical strikes, China and USA get to be allies, which causes the world to go into shock again, and the new Korea probably becomes the 3rd or 4th greatest military power, allied with both the USA and China. And the USA and the UN wouldn't have to have troops there anymore. Win-Win.
  12. Honestly, I've been on some big rides. And it's not often that you see people in cars stop on both sides of the roadway, to honor those that we ride for. They all stopped today, and waited for us to pass. To watch and wave as we go by. ok ok, the one guy getting off the freeway was a dork... a little slow on understanding...
  13. oh yeah, forgot... I apparently ignored the fact that there are a lot of drunks on the freeway downtown at midnight. I got run off the road twice at the 670 interchange downtown. Lawnmower Boy with the trailer forced me over onto the right-side berm with a double lane change. I knew better, both the time of night and the place where people always panic and change lanes. I passed him even faster, off the road. What? What did you want me to do? Park it and putt along behind his slow ass? Fate being what it is, a little van tried to do it to me again a few seconds later... Yes, second pass off the road on the right side in less than one minute. The van was in the wobble mode, drunk, phone, texting, or all three. It's best to not pass anyone near or at a major interchange on a freeway. Basic rule. Also not a good idea to pass people using the right-hand lane of a road. I broke my own rulez...
  14. Lots of bikes argh. I had to live and breath Harleys till a few sports showed up. I was getting depressed. Huge quantities. Outdoor tables were all claimed before I got there even. All except one. Guess it was the first night out for many of them. Everyone dressed in their finest rags. And the bike show and all. But things changed when the Sun went down. Yes, that's right, everyone with temps left. Some at a proper time, and the rest shortly after dusk. And nobody I know won anything in the drawings. Bike show was won by a big ass stock Suzuki cruiser, ignoring the righteous handmade Harley bobber. Go figure. Pics of both later today. edit: No pics, it was too dark and all pics were blurred. So sad.
  15. RIP For those that don't know, riding up 315 and back at night used to be popular back in the 60s and 70s. No houses, no traffic and almost no deer. Times change. I did it all the time back then, I wouldn't do it now.
  16. Yeah ok, I'm not going in any BP gas stations... that's just wrong... Way back when, you could drive on your military ID, not needing a driver's license.
  17. here ya go... what brand of gasoline to use? whatever... "If It Makes You Happy"... it can't be that bad... and the only time I ever thought Sheryl Crow was... well, you know... hot... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlAx9oL3Qk&feature=related
  18. Yes, I think Shell has one of the best detergent additives. But it's really hard to say who has what anymore. And that's not saying they might suddenly change it, without saying anything about it. If accurate fuel mileage records are kept, and one fuel gives better gas mileage than another, that would be significant. I kept records like that on my PDA, but all it ever told me is that I needed a tune up (air filter) when the gas mileage went down in general.
  19. All gasoline comes out of pipelines that ship it across the country from refineries. All gas stations use the same gasoline. Both low test and high test and then blend it for in between. Additives are added, that's the only difference. And that's not much. Old gas stations might have a crappy tank in the ground that has dirt or water. That does happen.
  20. yup, there's always one in an Army barracks. That one gets moved around a lot so everyone can enjoy the experience...
  21. Who knows how long that had been going on... She's probably missing him terribly now...
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