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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. The first 919, the 2002 had that when I bought it. Qualifiers with cupping in the front and flat spotted in the rear. It had 4200 when I bought it. The next set of the same Dunlops didn't do that. And lasted a lot longer, sort of. Dunno.
  2. Not sure, I remember Dunlops being British. Way back when. Last time I checked, most of them are made in Japan and Brazil. And now a days perhaps China. France too, I suppose. I suspect some vintage Dunlops are still made in Britain. It's that world economy thing... And having had a couple of adventures with tire failures, I won't ever put a tire on front that doesn't have excellent strength, grip, reputation, and lots of tread left. Cost is not an issue for a motorcycle front tire... Before anyone asks, I've always used Dunlops. But the new bike has Battlax OEM (BT56). I'd be happy with any of the major tire names. But I bet I'm used to how Dunlops feel for handling/maneuvering. That doesn't mean much, because that has changed a huge amount over the years. Modern tires are light years ahead of the old bias ply stuff.
  3. Yeah, hard compound. I know one person that went down on dry clean pavement, on a cruiser, on a cold day, when a Shinko on front washed out. He won't have another one. Back in the day, we pretty much said the same thing about Pirelli street tires. Hard compound, last forever, no grip in the rain.
  4. RBTMa/oL (returned before the move and/or lock) I'm pretty sure it's still a state law, that if you have a convicted or accused felony on record, you get kicked out of a state school. I do know that there was an attempt to change that law, so that felons can also attend college. So that law may have been changed in some way recently. I also know that if you have a felony on record, you won't get a job at a state school either. two cents keep the change
  5. "Jackets are typically redyed after professional dry cleaning anyway" oops... you are correct, I should have said when professional dry cleaners send them out for special leather cleaning. Which is what they do. They can't do leather.I knew that, duh me...But yes, they warn that it might or will have to be redyed as necessary before return. As in possible color changes, etc. Black don't count. It's still black.
  6. ReconRat


    Eventually you get older and wiser and quit doing things like that. Only to then decide it's ok to ride on ice and go thump... same difference...
  7. Yes, North Korea would get owned. Especially if they managed to anger the USA. Estimates of North Korea's ability to survive a USA response, are at worst, 15 minutes, and it would be over. At best, two and a half days, and all the NK troops would surrender. (Ran out of food and water, most likely.) That technology thing. Firing an ancient artillery weapon at someone high tech, would get one round right back at you, almost right down your barrel. And the high tech artillery that fired it, would be out of range of attack.
  8. ReconRat

    Fess up...

    So a co-worker saw a sport bike run from OSHP on Monday after work, on I-270 going North between I-670 and 161 (East side). Moving fast with lane changes, and filtering through to gain some distance. He couldn't give me a good description, but he did say the bike was unfortunate, in that there was a Deputy Sheriff waiting down the road. The Deputy Sheriff jumped out there and all the cars got out of the way and he caught the bike. And the OSHP came along to finish it off. Sooo, anyone we know?
  9. Correct. It was and still is a UN police action, and the USA doesn't make the decisions. Which makes it a weak distraction to whatever might happen somewhere else. It will appear to be much more. War often depends upon sustainability. how long can an opponent actually fight. The world worried about China for a long time, but reality is that they don't have enough fuel for fighting more than a week or two. Then they have to stop. Their mistake, they are working on correcting that. edit: Unfortunately, the USA has demonstrated how to win a war in two weeks. The two battles in Iraq seriously shocked the militarys of the world. They had no idea that the blitzkrieg technique of World War II was still valid. Yes, yes it is. By using overwhelming technology.
  10. The problem in Korea. The initial onset of combat, would involve artillery fired from North Korea at Seoul, the Capital of South Korea, which is way too close to North Korea. It would be leveled. Again. The loss of life for civilians would be horrific. This isn't old style war, it would only take about two hours to complete the destruction of Seoul. Although from what I've seen, Seoul is actually out of range of almost all of the artillery. It would have to be moved forward to complete the task. (Or tunnels under the border that we don't know about would function for that purpose.) I'd say 9 times out of 10, no matter how bad it looks, it will blow over, and no one will fight. Having said that, history shows that messing with an opponent for whatever gain, will eventually provoke a reaction. It's war, one wins, and one loses. The winner is smarter (or lucky), and won't fight unless it's near impossible to lose. And even then, something must be gained. Seldom do people fight wars for nothing. Although what may be something to one side, is nothing to the other.
  11. From experience, I don't repair anymore, I just go buy a new one. Depending on the level of damage, some repairs can be done at home. Even minor repairs done by professionals, can be more than the cost of a good used jacket. The repairs will vary per the type of leather, but scuffs can be smoothed, or raised out, and redyed. Jackets are typically redyed after professional dry cleaning anyway. Judge the overall condition of the jacket, before deciding whether to repair it or not. If it's gotten dry or stiff or brittle over time, it is damaged and not the best subject for repair. I realize it might be that first jacket and a keeper, but basically it's now a keeper with scuff marks on it. edit: I still have my first jacket, no damage... and my second most favorite original jacket, is extremely worn out and damaged from time itself. And it fits rather tight now, but I still have it...
  12. I will not quote anything. Rumor has it that the US will be sending five US Navy carrier battle groups to the shores of Iran, later this year. Amphibious assault forces included. I think the USA hasn't sent out a battle group that size since World War II. We'll see what happens. Many times just the threat of doing so is enough to defuse a situation that requires the action. Although apparently nobody has made clear to the general public what the situation is that requires it. I'm guessing that this will be about the time frame that an attack from Hezbollah in Lebanon is expected. And perhaps something from Syria. I also suspect that about the same time, North Korean will decide to mix it up in moderate combat with South Korea, just to distract from events. That North Korea will do something, is currently expected. Guess-timates are that limited ground, air, and sea warfare between North Korea and South Korea will take place. This isn't actually a new war, it's an old war. The Korean War never ended, it was stopped in an armistice. Unfortunately, North Korea unilaterally withdrew from the armistice on May 25, 2009. So, currently at war again, we just missed the start. Also if you missed it, this afternoon North Korea severed all ties with South Korea. This was after South Korea decided to quit sending anything to North Korea. Stuff like food, money, and goods. And always a potential, the US is sending National Guard to our Mexican borders. Mexico has troops on their side of the border trying hard to control the border as well. If this sounds innocent enough, remember that Mexico has fought in Mexico; 4 wars/skirmishes with the USA, 2 with France, one with Spain, and 6 or 7 internal secessions, revolutions, or civil wars. Continuous police actions against guerrillas and armed bandits not counted. Any wonder why the world markets are shook up? Any good news? Well, the Euro has fallen to $1.22 USD, which is nice, so maybe a vacation to Europe is a good idea. You know, Europe, that place where more wars have been fought nearly continuously since time began, than any other place in the world.
  13. ReconRat

    BBQ list

    careful, them ground hogs are greasy... (best in a stew)
  14. come on, be nice... she just wants a chance to kick him in the nutz...
  15. was just about to say... Don't know about current situations, but in the past, I could call my insurance company, and they would have a half price or better deal somewhere. If you have collision, you might even get it free. That's the way it used to be, I have no idea if it's true today.
  16. fess up, you just wanted spare parts...
  17. head gasket leak? edit: aye, could be air intake, or exhaust. something that has pressure or vacuum pulling or pushing through something small and hard to find does it whistle when in neutral and holding the revs up?
  18. awww crap, I did it... I'm on the other list now... CARIE it's ok, I knew about the Monday classes, besides, I still owe you 20 bucks... I never even thought of it on Saturday, don't let me forget it.
  19. I'm guessing you got the PM on the CSCC job listings. You didn't answer... (check your messages)
  20. Nine of us had a nice evening on the patio. Don't know who everyone was. Ben and Carrie --> fail!
  21. I'm sure it did. And it's probably got a broken back, or brain damage. Even an unconscious bird will grip your finger in it's claws. This one isn't going to survive. Take it out into the yard under some bushes, and let it be. Or, sprinkle it with catnip and call "Here kitty kitty...".
  22. dunno, I've rescued a few birds and animals... but flopping around on it's back isn't a real good sign of pending survival....
  23. Roaring Toyz FZ6R lowered, pink and purple metalflake, with other trick bits...
  24. It was Lubri-Tech brand of fuel proof lacquers that we used, bought from the local bike shops. They worked, they were reasonably fuel proof. They are no longer in business. Gone. Yes, in general, lacquers are not fuel proof. They dissolve again in the same or similar solvent that delivered them. Not the lead. edit: it was probably just a fuel proof clear top coat that we used... hard to remember all that...
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