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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. You need the factory service manual, or need to look at another 1982 CB750 like yours. The Haynes manual can be found, but it's just not clear enough on details. Download here There is also a copy in the Columbus Public Library
  2. Autozone lists it available in stores. Link
  3. That's what happens when somebody accidentally hits the "melt-down" key. Dammit, I've always said there shouldn't be a "melt-down" or a "nuke-em" key on the keyboard...
  4. Just for fun, the Harvard Law Review April 1st spoof of finding Obama's birth certificate. Even better, I see 8 of 59 commenters figured out it was a joke. That's only about 13.6% of a supposedly educated population. The comments posted on the Harvard news article, of course, look extreme, as always. And as much as I'd like to think that it is only a small radical portion of the population that is responsible for internet news posting of comments, I'm afraid that it is actually a valid cross section of the average population.
  5. Welcome back Jess. Words cannot express the gratitude for men and women serving in the military. So, how was the battery on the bike when you got back?
  6. No kidding. I've wasted many rolls of film and lots of bucks trying to catch lightning with time exposures. And never got anything near as good as that. There is a hack for some cameras, that will slave the shutter to the flash of the lightning. That will catch every one that is in view.
  7. understood, it looks like the hail and severe was dropped, but there is three storms in a row back to back. Have fun! Columbus proper will get two or three or four also.
  8. I see the storm, tops at 33k and 100% hail somewhere in it. Looks like Westerville should be ok, on the South edge of the storm. It will be close enough though. Now Delaware, it appears to be right in the path. edit: tornado warning just went up in an area South of Findlay.
  9. ReconRat


    *waves hand" I've had catastrophic failure. One front and one rear. I never ever want to have a front one blow out again. Stayed upright on both, but the front one had me all over a 5 lane road. And I had the sideways nail on a new (600 mile) Dunlop last year. Sideways cause I ran over the nails in a turn. It jumped sideways with both tires, like hitting invisible tar snakes. No fixing that. Somebody should mount it and burn it off for fun.
  10. And now for the truly bizarre... I was in Okinawa, at night, at the top of a little mountain, with one other bike, and we found a paved path down an old tank trail. Very narrow, more like a foot path down through jungle. Nothing said don't go driving here, so we did. Engine braking down this steep path, winding down the mountain. Half way down the mountain, the air changed from cool to warm. At the divide of temperatures, various critters were trying to move from one side of the path to the other. We come around a corner, and the road is nothing but worms, moving to the left. We squish through those, and find nothing but cockroaches, thousands and thousands, moving to the left. We squish through those, and run into thousands of big snails, all moving to the left. Yes, squish... but with a nice crunch sound. One of the most surreal experiences of my life. It took a while to clean the bikes the next day.
  11. Multiple bird strikes. One rat ran between front and rear tires. I've zipped past deer at night before I could see them. Been lucky. Scooped a hornet into the back of my helmet on the freeway. Took the helmet off with one hand while stopping with the other. I got hit square between the eyes by a rock off a truck, the size of a quarter round. Almost knocked me out. It hit on polycarbonate shades, no damage, big bruise. I stopped wearing sunglasses that would break, after that.
  12. http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/article/20100506/NEWS01/5060307
  13. But wait, there's more... it's already illegal in most cities to be eating or drinking anything while driving. Has been for a long long time.
  14. Flash Mob at the Ohio Union 5/3/2010 - The Ohio State University http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDNOB6TnHSI WSYX ABC6
  15. YES! Turn signals! Wonderful idea! I think everyone should be using turn signals so I know when they are trying to hit me. It's just enough to get out of the way.I saw two kids miss the bike in front of me today, by a few inches during a lane change (with signal). Rider wasn't happy, they changed back. It happens, just be glad they signaled, it could have been way worse. I could have run over his butt if they knocked him down. (Not really, got lots of brakes.) It was in an area quite well known for lots of lane changing, and I hang back and avoid it. He was right in it, bad place to be. Live and learn. Learn and live.
  16. You'll make a great air marshal. Think of all the places you get to fly to and visit.
  17. Technically yes, actually no... it's more about the person wearing it. And yes, more or less trying to defuse it, I suppose. Or create some crap of my own...
  18. hahaha, a compromise for sure, for the vertical challenged
  19. Throttle cables are like that. The routing and position must be very free to actually allow the throttle to snap back on it's own. Minimum radius bends in the cable should be avoided. The throttle cable has to have a smooth run from the handlebar to the carb. It's not unusual to have to fiddle with one to get it right. I'm assuming it was lubed up ok, but if it wasn't, maybe do that too. One of the best sources of how to route the throttle cable will be in the service manual. Personal opinion, the most likely place to bind up is down at the carb throttle, where movement changes how freely the cable moves. Also, when done, make sure the engine doesn't rev up when the front forks are turned all the way to both the left and the right. That's bad, and quite common after fiddling with the throttle cable.
  20. IBTL Dunno... a little analysis (I do that) Zappos on line lists 113 ladies motorcycle shoes. Except for the Uggs things, most are rugged footwear. Granted most rugged footwear look like Harley boots. (11.5%) 13 are Flat : no heel (51.3%) 58 are Low : 5/8" to 1-1/4" heels (30.9%) 35 are Mid : 1-1/2 to 2-1/2" heels (6.2%) 7 are High : 2-3/4" or higher heels Heels on ladies shoes are popular, including motorcycle shoes. Again, granted that the very tall shoes are probably better for passenger. But if it allows getting both feet flat on the ground, it's probably a good idea. Otherwise, it is a matter of style and taste in footwear. I can't believe we're talking about shoes again... edit: note that I wear combat boots, not boy racer boots... and quit looking at my feet...
  21. Friend at work says he was surprised by a LEO on motorcycle patrol, parked under an over pass on Southbound I-270 on the East side. Using a handheld lasar or radar for speed on approaching traffic. In the dark shade of the overpass, he could not be seen very well. That was the May 1-2 weekend. The friend thinks the LEO passed on flagging down his bike and took a car, but you take your chances with that. A car was waved down and pulled over by the LEO on the bike. I assume it's easier to pull over one speeding in the right hand lanes, but I wouldn't bet on that either.
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