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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. The First Alerts seem to work better and last longer. Less false alarms. I keep a spare also. The last set of batteries installed by apartment maintenance, well, they don't work. Little squeaky sounds when tested. I'll install my own, just bought them.
  2. Shoot, I think you're right. They are Arse Antlers in Australia too...
  3. btw, trivia... "Tramp Stamps" on the lower back are called "Arse Wings" in Australia...
  4. doesn't always work, they can block that, but usually it's simple, and simple to grab. Works with some "cough" photo websites too...
  5. did not, I'm on #3 (switch port number) of 5 at home...
  6. Nate's utube is better, same song but it's got pics.
  7. quit stalking me! or, find something constructive to do no wait, that sounds dangerous...
  8. view page source edit find mp3 hopefully it's only one mp3
  9. bite me, it didn't come up when searching for "Newark song"
  10. muhahaha, I ripped the mp3 out of the source code...
  11. 'The Newark Song' from WNCi:
  12. I expect wallet sized to be available at the next MnG, nothing less...
  13. Smoky Mountain Knife Works Deal a Day Tracker
  14. Umm, yeah, the beginner's slopes were not the place to be. The intermediate were good, but the advanced were great for me. Maybe that was just to avoid the crowds. There was only one advanced, the max steep one with the moguls in the steep part, that gave me a thumping. And again, I was trying to make downhill racer skis do moguls. It doesn't work well. I did get some high speed and some great jumps. I like jumping. If the hill had been a bit higher so I could have jumped over the mogul field, I would have been very happy. If I ever get out skiing again, I hope I'm not that aggressive.
  15. Been there, it's a great place. Watch out for ski and/or board newb classes flying down the hill and crashing into people. I think I saw three broken bones in less than 20 seconds. And two out of control newbs barely missed me. That was the classes later in the day when it was crowded everywhere. In the middle at the bridge is where it happened. They all just went ballistic and couldn't stop. Just crashing everywhere. That's a thousand foot drop at Seven Springs, it's very nice. In some places it drops really fast. Some slopes there definitely earn that skull and cross bones. Lots of people come over there from the DC and Virginia area. Lots of semi-expensive chalets. It can be East coast cosmopolitan at times, so bring your best stuff. Funny story: I was there skiing through the trees where it's quiet, cutting over to a different lift, and a guy in front of me vanished. He fell through snow over a ravine, into a tiny stream. It was deeper than he was tall. It was completely covered over, but hollowed out, and we couldn't see it. No water, but he had a great time getting back out of there.
  16. Yikes! That had my heart thumping and I was breathing fast.. did you see how close he came to launching it? The marks on the curbing at the end? about 4 inches...
  17. zombie thread I vote bad ground, but that could be anywhere including the handlebar switch, and often is. But in this case, where work was last done.
  18. There might be a sale at inventory time in February, or when new tire shipments arrive and there are too many in stock. But I wouldn't count on it for a Q2. Iron Pony - 180/55-17 - $177.99 cheap mail order - 180/55-17 - $153.95 save 24 bucks, no taxes, but pay shipping, not much of a savings. I just go to a local shop and get it done and over with in one afternoon.
  19. I'm having fun googling here... Oklahoma Highway Patrol Custom Hayabusa Casper's new adventure bike (O-R Patrol model): JRMMiii modifies bike to get a move on:
  20. Near as I can figure, the entire weapon and cartridges would have to reach a temperature around 300F before any of the cartridges would fire. The grips and plastic pieces would be smokin' long before that. Here's temperatures for "cartridges in a fire" that I found; .22 long rifle cartridges detonate at an average of 275F, .38 Special at 290F and 12 gauge shotgun shells at 387F. Obviously cartridges will go off in a sustained fire. Mostly cartridge cases rupture, without firing a bullet. The brass becomes the new projectile. Within a barrel or cylinder, the round will fire, or shear when it hits something blocking it's way. Primers can be forced out with enough force to be projectiles, but more often fail to even ignite when a cartridge case ruptures from heat.
  21. I have never been a NAVAL squid. Nor a pirate squid... nor a sheep squid... I'll save the squid squid for Halloween. Fixed it.. or somebody fixed it. You never know...
  22. whoo hoo, that made me laugh! disclaimer: I have never been a squid
  23. Can't find it on the Radio Shack website. Google says it's part number 64-2326. Some say it's teflon, some say it's silicone. For the temp range it could be either. But when it says salt impervious and dielectric, I'll bet it's silicone. The navy uses gallons of it to coat antenna arrays on-board ship. NAPA has a teflon type, and about a dozen or so dielectric silicone grease types. It's hard to tell what they are all for. If I remember right, one of the NAPA silicone grease meets the Honda spec for use on motorcycle brakes. It's hard to find and not cheap. I'd have to dig it out and see which one it is.
  24. Dunno the Q2 yet, but I put a SportMax RoadSmart (multi-compound) on the rear for the 2009 season, and it really did not show any wear at all. Not even the traditional flat spot all around the center. I put a nail in it and had to buy another. So I would say any of the dual compound will increase miles per tire a lot. I was previously buying tires every year. Deep in the Dunlop website, it says the RoadSmart is ok matched up with the previous Qualifier. Slightly different profile from the previous, I think. It felt a tiny bit different, but nothing major. That will probably go away when I switch the front tire to match. edit: the SportMax and RoadSmart are both Dunlop Qualifiers, same tread, different tread, old name, whatever.
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