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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. back to reality... the purpose of this type of link is for fast change or repair, like when at the track. Rather than using a standard riveting tool. Or for emergency or repair use on the road. I'm willing to say it's stronger than a clip style master link, without having any numbers, but I won't say it's stronger than any of the good strength rivet formed master links. The clip style is still easier, since it can be easily removed. The EK would probably have to be ground off just like a rivet style link to remove. I'll watch for strength specs, because I'm curious.
  2. haha, full size snow plows can't turn around in a court, I swear. So they don't bother...
  3. I can't believe the size and depth of some of the pavement holes on the freeways, geez... Both asphalt and concrete. I suppose it's the same every year, but I swear the low bid contractors that build our roads just get worse and worse.
  4. Streets sort of clear of snow and ice, but my driveway seriously compromised... I need to get up and down my darn driveway, and soon...
  5. I doubt that a modern clip style master link would be easy to break. The older Japanese stuff wasn't very good. And most of us just grabbed master links at the hardware, which probably wasn't very good either. Chains don't fail by breaking pins or plates, which would be shear. They fail by pushing the plates off the pins (or pulling the pins out of the plates), which is tensile. With a clip, only the surface area of the clip that is actually in the groove on the pin, is providing the tensile strength. And the clip is a spring that can bend and flex. So like any fastener, there are two materials, and one common surface area. The weaker of the two is the actual tensile strength of the combo. In general, all strength calculations are based on a design standard minimum required mating surface. (like a minimum of 4 threads engaged on a bolt or screw.) And a correct assembly and fit of parts. With a clip, it's not a super tight fit, and it's springy and can move around. Sand and grit can work it's way under the mating surfaces, compromising the strength. I think it's a good idea to keep an eye on clip types. I've caught them half way popped off. Probably my bad habit of using them over and over again, instead of replacing them. All of the chains I've broken were either small chains on smaller bikes that had the horsepower bumped up, or liter bikes when they first came out, and the chains just weren't strong enough back then. And we didn't have rivet master links either. Modern chains are light years ahead of the old stuff. I've found specs on strengths of master link types before, but it was very hard to find. And I'm not having any luck at all finding it again. I do know this. The master link on my DID X ring chain isn't as strong as the chain. There's a better one that uses a special tool to form the head of the pin. Hard to find (and expensive), but apparently used on boats, so are found in boat shops on-line. I didn't bother, and used the next best ordinary rivet tool type.
  6. hahahaha, you shouldn't leave loaded guns out in the house when ANYONE is around... If they can get their hands on them, people will do stupid shit. Trust only those who are sane, mature and well trained by yourself.
  7. The threading stuff doesn't seat the link plate, it would probably break if it tried. It forms a collar of metal in place on the pin, instead of the typical riveting. So it's actually not a rivet, it is a captive shear pin. Summary: If done right, the link shown can be as strong as an original application. Opinion: It's strength is probably somewhere between a riveted link and a clip-type link. Possibly equal to a "lesser strength" riveted link. This type of fastener application is common in aviation for salvage repair of bad rivets in locations where you can't redo the original riveting. It's typically as strong as the original fastener, but only in shear, not usually in tensile. Whether this is designed to be as strong in shear is unknown, but probably so. As long as the center pin is solid, the same size as the original can be used. For major structural applications, a Huck Bolt was used to repair structure instead. Huck bolts are similar, a blind bolt/pin that turns a nut down to act as a collar. Sometimes these snap off also, leaving only a threaded captive collar. Huck bolts are very strong. The objection in aviation, is that the aircraft can drastically gain weight if too many of the repair rivets are used. (Some aviation "rescue" rivets are really big.) I've even used Huck Bolts that had to be an interference fit, and had to use liquid nitrogen to shrink the fastener first. Various Huck Bolts
  8. I just checked the website. Nothing there to worry about at this time. If it truly was an attack associated with that site, it probably came from a compromised advertisement on the page, in a popup, popunder, etc... (very common attack method) The website in general, is not listed as a threat.
  9. Really no idea yet. Thought about a 650 thumper, or a shaft drive long range bike, or upgrading my 919. And I keep thinking about ABS as the new deal. Of course, what I want I can't find used locally. And for me, used is better.
  10. Sorry, I was dead tired from work this week. Covering for several people out. Including the boss one day. Argh... One day had 3 full time people out leaving me with 3 part timers. And I considered myself lucky to have them... A bunch of times this Summer, I was the only tech working at all.... One tech for a school of nearly 28,000 students PLUS staff and faculty... Just so wrong... Plus I've been secretly looking at several more used motorcycles, heheh
  11. Main Entry: fa·ce·tious Pronunciation: \fə-ˈsē-shəs\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle French facetieux, from facetie jest, from Latin facetia Date: 1599 1 : joking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish <just being facetious> 2 : meant to be humorous or funny : not serious <a facetious remark>
  12. haha, the truck to the second torch lighting, you can see a guy sitting in the back who is ready with another torch, in case the first one goes out...
  13. Variety is good. We need some for OR only, and some that are open to all. KoC is good for the OR only. But need way more space for anything that's open to all.
  14. oh look... the stadium is getting an erection... several erections... like... giant flaming ice crystals... ok, that was the biggest baddest torch lighting ever...
  15. so who else is going to sleep early and stay up late to catch the live parts? or who is going to figure out how and where to catch events while at work? lol
  16. projectors sure, but each would have to have a backup even... I work with some of this stuff, but this boggles the mind...
  17. I am still stunned at the scale of the display... how the frack did they do that...
  18. oops, yeah... forgot about boarding, heh... it's in the big leagues now, or sort of...
  19. Insane quantities of money to produce an intro. And very cool. Winter Olympics are still my favorite, ever since Jean Claude Killy swept the skiing events in 1968. Triple Crown of Alpine Skiing. Which means I have to see: Downhill Giant Slalom Slalom Speed Skating Hockey especially any important deal breaker games USA skaters, and most of skating finals. Did I miss anything worth watching?
  20. creatine = methyl guanidine-acetic acid I remember reading up on it, since it's apparently one of the favored "lean machine" supplemental dietary substances. The one thing I remember from the more authoritative websites, was to be cautious of stomach problems. It is an acidic substance, and can cause stomach problems. But so is aspirin, and unknown numbers of people have hurt themselves with aspirin and acetaminophen by ingesting on empty stomachs. Even vitamins are hard to take on an empty stomach...
  21. A contact at Vineyard Community Church would help a lot. Either a link or a phone number that people could call. A fund set up at a local bank would also be a better way to do this. Don't be upset if people are cautious, and err on the side of caution.
  22. no, sorry... the whole thing looks like a scam, whether that was intended or not It also isn't on the Vineyard Community Church event calender.
  23. argh... downloading now... there are two pdf books of the same also.
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