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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Yeah, I used to do those photo real paintings and renderings. I learned how in school. And haven't done one ever since then. It's actually exciting to do something like that. It takes a lot of time and effort. I fail...
  2. Umm, never tried that... How'd it work out for you?
  3. Damn it took long enough for some one to say that. Rep for it... I too chicken...
  4. That's just so wrong... But apparently a valid method of reeling them in...
  5. Experience says that really doesn't matter.
  6. For anyone without an adequate excuse this evening, just use the federal government guidelines for avoiding the H1N1 influenza. Stay home, avoid crowds. Now I want to go back to the bar for a second try. She is cute.
  7. I accept that part of geekness, but I do not watch sitcoms and crap shows with canned laughter. So I've sucessfully avoided dorkness.
  8. I got Uranus right here... no, wait... I take that back... that sounds just so wrong...
  9. Nope, your accusation is invalid. I was out riding this evening, and home early to watch the premier of Stargate Universe. Normally out late. Chasing women as best I can. Wtf you doing home? hmmmm? Working on the telepathy part. But still logged in on 3 computer and one phone right now.
  10. I repeat, for the dorks that don't understand geek speek... I am logged into Ohio Riders on three to five computers continuously. I never log off. Therefore, it looks like I'm always on line, when I could be exploring Mars for all anyone knows...
  11. I went anyway. I had a $5 off card to unload, and I was hungry. It didn't feel cold going home on the freeway. Cold is when body parts refuse to warm up when you stop. Oh, and I won a free dinner in the drawing...
  12. ditto belt = few minutes struts = compressed springs that can kill you if you screw up
  13. hrmm, sounds like no one is going to Hoots tonight...
  14. Surprise preview of an upcoming PBS show. The first 24 minutes of the PBS show on Echo Company Marines in Afganistan's Helmand province. http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2009/10/video-on-the-front-lines-with-echo-company/
  15. Now that I think of it, I think I had that 8 day thing last year. It was ok in the morning and sort of sick in the evenings. Weird...

  16. boohoo, it's raining cats and dogs... This won't be a fun day for me
  17. I hate pulling harmonic balancers...
  18. Hi & Welcome! And people be nice, I think that's her name. We don't make fun of everyone's name, do we? Oh, wait... nm...argh.
  19. The link was for the Arlington location, the link for the campus location is http://campus.tommyspizza.com/Pick one, only one...
  20. Ginger, hi. You just left a message for yourself, lol. Go to the Forums pulldown, and the Introductions forum, and click on New Thread. Give it a title, and then say hello and stuff. That's the introductions. Holler if you need help. Use the reply to this message to contact.

  21. I just want to get out and ride somewhere. there is .38" rain @ 84% for Friday morning forecasted. It should end around 11am. I'm hoping to dodge my way to work that morning on the bike. Or get a bit wet riding in... If I do, I will certainly try to break free from my hectic and schizoid daily schedule and split out to join for lunch.
  22. Yup, CB1100F Maybe sold in Japan or Europe for 2010. Who knows when in Canada or USA Concept pics from a couple of years ago: CB1100R!!!
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