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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nope, not going to happen this morning. In my neighborhood, there is a heavy dew, and it's turning to ice, or already has. And the temperatures will fall a bit more till around 8:00am. I would just fall down somewhere a few blocks away. And I don't need that this morning.
  2. There is no substitute for a good warm pair of gloves.
  3. I don't know. There is so much stuff going around in the schools in the Fall, it's hard to say what is what. This is the first I've heard of an 8-day malady. I have heard of a minor lower tract malady going around. And we're starting to get reports of people having been exposed to H1N1 through friends. One of the joys of working in a college or university. Immediate exposure risk for H1N1, within a family unit, is 1 in 10 for major contagion, and 1 in 20 for minor contagion. Major is 2 of 4 symptoms = fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose. Minor is fever with either cough or sore throat. Per CDC website.
  4. Me. 40F is warm enough. 9 miles at 35-50mph.
  5. ваш русский всасывает
  6. I did that for a stray cat. The list of female names in the back of a dictionary. Her name was Samantha. The one and only name she responded to when I read them all.
  7. Somebody edit the darn OR calender, and take the now non existent OR Thursday meet off of the Thursday nights. Or change it as required to someplace new, heh?
  8. Indeed true. I've entertained some dramatic power drifts on cold mornings. Just because I thought I could crack the throttle coming out of a turn. It doesn't work well on cold tires and cold streets. Oh, and I don't trust brick roads when cold, wet, or funny looking. Ok, I don't trust brick roads at all...
  9. Thursday morning frost warning... Warning for anyone crazy enough to ride anyway. That would be me. If there is frost on the vehicles outside, when you go out in the morning. Then there will be frost on the roads somewhere also. If you hit frosty spot on the road on a bike while turning a corner, the rear wheel will probably go out from under you in a flash. You at least need to be comfortable with slippery drifting.
  10. Just curious who's still going... If you twist me, I might run outside and ride off that way. Might be a good night for the heavy gloves.
  11. Wut? I respect the codes found, but just to be old fashioned... make sure there isn't a vacuum leak somewhere causing this. Especially if the automatic transmission is vacuum modulated.
  12. I could on the bike, if you don't volunteer anyone. I'm close enough. But I think Friday is dodge-em with thunderstorms on a bike. I might have to drive a cage, tsk. No way I'll give up a cage parking spot during the day. Dunno yet. (Yeah, I know, I could take the bus... shup) The buses are full of people with the flu... eww
  13. Front or back, it varies... Up front would be easy to see, so perhaps this is one that is in back. Up front is a bracket with sensor pointing right at the harmonic balancer. I've never even looked at one on a front wheel drive car. Just ancient rear wheel drive...
  14. Maybe take US Route 6, which is the old transcontinental road. It's definitely a back road, and will wander around quite a bit. It runs from Provincetown, MA to Bishop, CA. It used to go all the way to Long Beach, CA. But they destroyed that last portion. If you ride the entire road from here and return, it will be something like 6600+ miles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_6 Grand Army of the Republic Highway
  15. How did I miss this?? Thoughts... If you walk the talk, the talk walks Conversely, if you talk the walk, the walk talks I know, that makes my head hurt too... Serious sex is serious exercise Unfortunately, most sex isn't serious I'm not pregnant Spooning with an Italian girl will give you first degree burns I like paper boats, can we get together and make a day of it? I like paper airplanes better, but they... well, they fly away. They who love everyone, haven't enough love to give to each. Al Gore can't see that the numbers are wrong on his own powerpoint/excel spreadsheet. You haven't lived if you haven't ridden in the cold. It makes you feel alive. How many sheep could a sheepfu.... oh, nm... I'm sure lots of people qualify for "vewy vewy short" You don't love sex in the cold unless you've tried it on the slopes wearing skis... Women announce relationships, not guys. There are indeed some things that money just can't buy. Often they are free for the asking, you just don't know it. Sweet cheeks, candy ass, butt chewing... You'all need to concentrate on the flip side. yes, DJ Wings is forever historical web legend. I got your freak, oh wait... did I say that out loud? As usual, it's all Ben's fault. As it should be. and eww... eww again... and ... huh?
  16. Quick... buy a snow blower. Then it won't snow this Winter.
  17. I has a sad... It won't be the same without the Evil Twin. Be careful, stay warm, eat good food, nag nag, oh, and have fun...
  18. Really? Read this one... http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/090316_israelistrikeiran.pdf from the Center for Strategic and International Studies Regardless of whether possible or not, it makes good reading. And includes locations and images of the targets deemed worthy. Many of these I've already found along with others, by scanning satellite photos of Iran. I should post pics of some of the stuff found, that hasn't been seen yet. There is some crazy stuff. Also at the CSIS is an assessment of the effects of an nuclear exchange between Israel and Iran.
  19. Barely a scratch... On the locomotive that hit it...
  20. Yes, "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" is on that re-make list. I have doubts... Think of how well "The Day The Earth Stood Still" went over... How about yet another Halloween series. There are 10 so far, we need 13 at least. Although there are a total of 17 Halloween movies, seven aren't official.
  21. Yeah, I wanted to think that, but there weren't players on the field? And nobody in the stands. I figured it was done for the video. Still cool though.
  22. ok good, I was about to ask what all those Korean kids were doing in Japan... oh, and Jbot, lots of Japanese characters are actually Chinese. But some Japanese characters are only found in Japanese.
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