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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Street dumps, lol. Hell, I did a forward vertical 360 in the air and landed back on my wheels. Too bad I wasn't still on it....
  2. Toyota spokesperson has said "no concrete plans to enter production". Assumed to be in competition with the Renault Twizy.
  3. Not much to see yet. A concept drawing was leaked. Expected to be at the upcoming Geneva car exhibition in March. Toyota To Build Motorcycle-Like Electric Vehicle Toyota i-ROAD, a micro electric car concept for Geneva http://photos.imageevent.com/motorbiker/newspics4/Toyota-i-ROAD.jpg
  4. Truth hurts... more often than not. See the reality, and let the fantasy pass you by.
  5. In the days of kick start levers, pulled up at a light, in traffic and... jammed the jeans down over the kick start lever when trying to put foot down. It hooks on the top of the boot. Bike decides it's leaning that direction. Slow motion over it goes, with me trying to jerk my leg off the kick start lever. Last year... at a light, jamming the tunes, drumming on the tank, rocking the bike left and right... bump the shifter on the top of my boot, into 2nd gear. Bike jumps forward and stalls, nearly leaving me standing there. Argh... edit: I'm lucky it stalled. My bike will run at idle when slipping the clutch into first, with no throttle. lump lump
  6. Just remember that white US citizens become minority status around 2050. Which makes everyone a minority (less than 50%) in the USA. Then we can start arguing about "major and minor" minorities. edit: ok, I see census bureau thinks 2043. But birth rates are all changing. Might be sooner than that.
  7. Feinstein has also freely admitted that AWB has a principle of total handgun ban at it's core. Feinstein has also freely admitted that the current AWB will be aimed at becoming an amendment to some other house or senate bill, in the same manner as the 1994 AWB. Both senate and house AWB bills have not released the text of the document. I'm beginning to wonder when and if ever.
  8. I don't have a cream puff rifle. Somebody send me the specs.
  9. Situation remains. A pattern of practice still begs the question, practice for what exactly? And really serious about the practice exercises.
  10. organizedforaction.com organizedforaction.net and organizedforaction.org the domains for these three were bought before the group could secure them. OFA.net / org / com all belong to existing corporations/institutions
  11. If you do set up an N-Com, let us know how it worked out.
  12. Seven or more logical fallacies of argument in just two sentences. (I stopped counting.) Statement void.
  13. Iron Pony sells them. I've got two Nolans, I rather like them. But I don't mind heavy helmets. And yes, a bit noisy also. But both of mine are open face w/polycarbonate shields. btw, a lot of Nolan and Scorpion helmets are all polycarbonate, and not fiberglass. That's where the weight adds up. But damage from dropping is a lot less.
  14. I doubt that Scruit's list is intended to be limited to just that. Nor is anyone's else's list. And it's all going to change over time. Till we give up or get it right. edit: You might know my solution. Go directly to the violence with violence. Make it stop. That happened in Columbus, when city, county, state, ATF and FBI slammed the street gangs. It worked.
  15. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York has introduced a matching bill in the house. H.R. 437 It is in committee. It also is going no where. Text not available yet. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr437
  16. ummm, plus new contract for 7000 "defensive personal weapons" aka AR-15. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=101851&highlight=7000
  17. Probably National Guard exercise: Vigilant Guard 2013. Similar to the Vigilant Guard 2012 exercise. http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard/default.aspx and Vigilant Guard 2011... http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard11/default.aspx and Vigilant Guard 2010... http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard10/default.aspx and Vigilant Guard 2009... http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard09/default.aspx and Vigilant Guard 2008... http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard2/default.aspx and Vigilant Guard 2007... http://www.ng.mil/features/vigilantguard/default.aspx And Marine forces just wrapped up an urban warfare exercise on Guam http://www.pacificnewscenter.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=30430:video-marines-a-navy-wrap-up-urban-training-exercises&catid=45:guam-news&Itemid=156 edit: what I don't understand is that Vigilant Guard 2013 was supposed to be Colorado National Guard in Arizona. And some training by Missouri National Guard in Missouri. Unknown why Miami and Houston.
  18. that will teach him not to stop in a crosswalk... SEE IT: Motorcycle driver nearly CRUSHED by toppling truck (VIDEO)
  19. ok, it is a spruce gun? If it has these markings, it's a spruce gun: (or US of the spruce gun era) one website says all marked "US" another website says only about 2000 were marked "US" confusing, since the federal purchase was for 1800 so I guess they were all marked "US" The FK was typically the soldier's initials from what it looks like It could still be just a civilian that got one and decided to mark it the same way
  20. History of "spruce guns" Looks like this s/n is out side of that range. If it is a military rifle, somewhere on the metal will be stamped "U.S." and an ordnance mark. Most likely on the receiver. What I read is that almost all model 1894 in the military were used to guard Sitka Spruce trees in the Pacific North West. Because of the non military 30-30 cartridge.
  21. I want to say FK is Fort Knox, but Fort Knox wasn't established till 1918. Well, maybe so. FK = Fort Knox 72 = garrison armory rifle # really really wild guess
  22. Blue book says 24" or 26", made 1894-2006. S/N says 1919, except some earlier (1916) if polishing room SNAS. NRA serial numbers (pdf) edit: oops, you said saddle ring carbine... 20" round barrel only btw... $450 (10%) to $2800 (95%) Trapper's Carbine: 14", 15" & 16"
  23. I did buy the last bike in February. Rode out through snow and ice very gently (both feet down), till I got to the freeway. Freeway was clear. Absolutely beautiful riding with all that snow around. A new experience. Humor was the driveway not shoveled out. Just backed up and gunned it as far as it would go, and put the cover on it.
  24. Nothing is ever new under the Sun. All this used to be done by people, rather than computer algorithms. Translators correlated data input (news feeds) and added it to computer databases. It's even been done here in Ohio, back in the 60s and 70s. Good part time job for a college student with a language major. Sometimes, not really a subject to discuss at length.
  25. I'm old enough to remember seeing a live feed from a helicopter on the news. Shop owners firing rapidly from rooftops to force crowds of looters to turn away. Just warning shots, apparently. It worked...
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