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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I read the article carefully. Two typos, which is currently typical journalistic quality. All the voters the article lists as fraudulent, have the last name Richardson... I don't get it, how many people in that area are named Richardson? Or did the investigation simply start blindly with the "R"s. edit: The answer is 77 Richardsons listed in the White Pages. Taken to the extreme, the article implies a 25% voter fraud.
  2. Wait, no voter fraud? What part of "politics" do you not understand?
  3. We never ban the floor show. At least not in the down season. Both Casper and MJ have IQs probably twice what Biffboy has. He won't get much more than a smile from them. The Netherlands got into computers and internet and general techie savvy early on. As a result, some rather intense hackers and trolls have developed. I guess boredom is relevant there also, the same as everywhere else. And are you kidding me, he hasn't figured out how to find a thread yet? Not even his own thread? The Netherlands thought Americans were something very special, because of World War II. But maybe not so much anymore. Memories fade, and new generations get their dose of media mis-information and spew it back out as opinion. A good part of Europe is on an anti-American agenda. And most of it is simple ignorance and a collective inability to successful compete in a world marketplace. Not that any country is overly successful anymore. So feel free to feed the troll.
  4. $234.99 Impact Guns http://www.impactguns.com/traditions-1858-new-army-44-cal-brass-fr18581-040589185811.aspx
  5. Isn't there an "ammo of the month club" that we can subscribe to or something? Make monthly payments and just have it show up at the door?
  6. ReconRat


    It seems like a lot, since it's like 5 to 10 times what was used in the Iraq war. But in just DHS personnel alone, the 450 million rounds is only 4 or 5 rounds per day over some reasonable length of time. The purchase contract will distribute to CBP, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ICE, the U.S. Secret Service, Transportation Security Administration, the DHS police force, and all the guards that protect the various buildings these agencies are housed in. Also possibly distribution to state and local forces, at a reduced purchase cost. It also includes the huge federal training facility, that goes through a lot of ammunition training personnel from many jurisdictions. So bottom line, the government saved something like 360 million dollars buying this way. edit: and for the tinfoil perspective; in 2010 or 2011, the government warned immigration and others to prepare for some sort of unusually large amount of immigration into the USA in the future.
  7. gallows humor in the blog quotes... "It's a good thing the thug wasn't driving a silver honda; half of LA would be dead by now!"
  8. ok ok, so he's Aussie, but here's your American answer... http://youtu.be/-TC2xTCb_GU
  9. They never hold as many rifles as listed. Must be some tiny rifles they measured with.
  10. 50x50 is big. But if 40-50% was corn I can understand. Can watermelon be planted under corn, like beans are sometimes planted with corn?
  11. All text available now. Both Feinstein Senate and McCartney House. Feinstein's AWB Senate bill: S. 150: A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. Text here and here. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s150 (Sent straight to committee, initially slightly less then average chances) 10% chance of getting past committee. 1% chance of being enacted. McCartney's AWB House bill: H.R. 437: Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 - Text here and here. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr437 3% chance of getting past committee. 1% chance of being enacted. And the magazine capacity bill in the Senate; S. 33: Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2013 - Text here and here. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/s33 10% chance of getting past committee. 1% chance of being enacted. To summarize: (updated mar6) 38 bills in house and senate. 4 are from Republicans, leaving 34 from Democrats. 25 are from House and 9 are from Senate. 8 in the house have zero chance of passing. Leaving 17 house and 9 senate = 23 bills. All 26 remaining currently have a 1% chance of passing.
  12. Max freefall faster than thought. Mach 1.25 1,357.6 kmh / 843.6 mph / Mach 1.25 http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-57567699-76/baumgartners-supersonic-freefall-faster-than-you-thought/ Official data release at Redbull Stratos: http://www.redbullstratos.com/science/scientific-data-review/
  13. Same here. Need to learn how. Doing ok with tomatos, peppers, radishes, onions, and lettuce. Still working on melons, and cucumbers are tricky. And I've done ok with peas and beans before, if I can keep the cardinals and bluejays out of them. Everyone used to have gardens. What's wrong with people?
  14. You're not seeing it through the eyes of the children.
  15. They are primarily volunteering to sacrifice their lives to protect the children. That is why they are there. Should it ever come to that. For lack of anyone else willing or able to do that. Because they have the will and strength of Honor to want to. edit: And is it really any wonder that the children can sense the personality of these men?
  16. wait, what? It requires courage or fear or insanity. What the heck is going on over here...
  17. Somebody wants us to arm ourselves (and spend a lot of money). That's reality. The question is why. The only good answer any one can come up with, is that it boosts the economy. Nothing more, nothing less. Sorry, the tin foil hat got nothing for answers... (this week, anyway) And yes, it's going to take a while to calm down and get things back in stock.
  18. I'm back... I found a really good 27 pound - 7 day check list for a backpack. It assumes water is steadily available to filter and use. If not, water adds a LOT of weight. The 27-Pound, 7-Day Gear Checklist edit: btw, the Katadyn Vario, MiniWorks EX, and SweetWater are the only small water filters I would consider. In that order, but I like the Miniworks.
  19. I wouldn't read a lot into that. A standard definition of "grip" is "a part, such as a handle, that is designed to be grasped and held". A magazine isn't primarily designed for that. Although somewhere someone will make that case anyway. Worry more about not being allowed to have a pistol grip at all.
  20. HR437 AWB from McCarthy is available to read. Text here at Library of Congress
  21. The house bill HR437 From McCarthy finally released the text. It's released ahead of the previous senate S150 from Feinstein. It's long, so giving GPO link only: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c113:H.R.437:
  22. No kidding. It hurt like hell the next day. One big bruise down one side. I got thrown about 60 feet and it knocked me out for a few. Left me with a kink in my neck/spine for a lot of years. edit: btw, I was bushwacked on that one. New purchase by some one else, that I was working on the engine for them. Previous owner had heavy oil and too much of it, in the front forks. The forks did not compress when I hit some construction on a road. It flipped end over end instead. Honda CL305. Wonderful little bike for off road. Didn't actually hurt the bike, flipping it like that.
  23. As well as finding mis-truths and deceptions and lies. The internet is a mess.
  24. The 1994 AWB wasn't a bill by itself, at the end. It was attached to another bill, and was accepted as a trade off in house and senate. When done that way, it's not subject to a lot of debate. Nor is it even sometimes readily visible to the public. This one is headed the same direction. The same method.
  25. Batteries have to get a lot smaller and lighter. Or devices that produce electrical power have to be invented. It will happen eventually. It always does. There's been some breakthroughs in military aviation fuels, power plants, and electrical power production. Any mention of most of that stuff on the internet has vanished. Not something that can be discussed yet, for the most part. We'll see it applied to automotive and motorcycles soon enough. edit: My vision of the future: Tiny kerosene turbine engines. Single rpm, high rpm, and high fuel efficiency. Miniature generators for high output of current/voltage. Miniature high performance electric motors at each axle. For both propulsion and braking. Regenerative braking. All wheel drive, even motorcycles. Reduced size high performance batteries, although very few would be needed. The amount of power developed, does not come without noise, vibration, and heat. Lots of heat. Everything is wrapped up in cooling jackets to reduce both heat and noise. Massive radiator. Power output scaled to standards for the street. Unbelievable torque from the techniques. Good possibility of no transmission needed. Direct drive. Overall very light weight, and high power to weight ratio. Adaptive exterior surfaces. Aerodynamic fairings morph automatically to adjust air flow. Adapt to improve traction and down force as required.
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