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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ReconRat

    Smart guns?

    hrmm, there's also "smart bullets" now. If the electronics can be specialized to hit a target, I suppose they could be designed that would not hit certain targets. Who knows what the future will bring. Might take the fun out of target shooting if you never miss.
  2. Added the HJR15 to the long list of House/Senate bills introduced. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?p=946251#post946251 0% chance of getting past committee. 0% chance of being enacted or passed.
  3. ReconRat

    Smart guns?

    look, if a weapon had enough sense to know where it was aimed, a hacker would be able to fire it for you. Not a good idea...
  4. I did say that one of the manufacturer's of raw forging was saying that they were having problems even finding raw aluminum billet stock to work with. Gone. Back ordered for them.
  5. Back at ya: That new color is 50C+ or 122F and higher... Australia’s weather is so hot, new colors added to weather map http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/Wk8pUD46Lc2J_wej7y.SeA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/thelookout/aussiemap2.jpg
  6. Oops, has anyone ever seen 458 socom locally? Or the brass? I don't think so...
  7. Time Magazine - Top Ten Legal Drugs Linked to Violence Five are antidepressants:
  8. Sounds simple to fix, the enemy has a stationary and well identified target. Either defend the CPZ territories at the target point, and/or take down the CPZ signs to conceal the target. Nothing else is acceptable for response.
  9. Thanks Ryan. I rolled through a MC speed trap on Summit @ 5 under, right after that. He looked disappointed... Wondering what the heck was a two wheeler patrol doing out with all the snow and ice out there?
  10. want and I'ma gonna put little HellFire missiles on it that actually work
  11. Agreed, I think the original was 6061. (The dark grey ones.) Real easy to mill out. I do suppose it was heat treated to better physical properties. Not sure about this one, nothing is indicated. Yeah, looked it up. It was 6061-T6, which is ok. 6061-T0 and -T1 are too soft. edit: In engineering, heat treated 7075 aluminum is a primary structural material. Heat treated 6061 is a secondary structural material. Equipment designed for stress uses the 7075. That's all, just my aircraft designer brain wants 7075 if I can get it.
  12. 6061 billet? I can bend that stuff with my hands. (If it's a thin section.)
  13. I've used cheap fishing scales successfully for that. Not horribly accurate, but pretty close. you can use string and weights also (loose change), and weigh/calculate the result.
  14. LOL, it wouldn't be real value metal. It would only be representative. I mean, paper money is worth paper, after all. So it would be a "token coin". har har edit: besides, they are trying to get out of debt. Buying that much platinum would not work out. hell, they could take a manhole cover and plate it with a thin coat of platinum, and tell us they've got it covered.
  15. guess I'll take them. Just say where and when.
  16. It's Egypt. They have the cash. (With some US aid.) http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/Egypt-to-Spend-32B-in-Updating-F-16CD-Fleet-05860/ http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/egypt-847m-request-for-125-m1a1-tanks-03684/ Egypt actually has their own Abrams M1A1 production facility. But it requires support from US production. edit: the support bid for the M1A1s is renewed every January, from what I can tell.
  17. lol, add a solenoid for bolt group release, and put the solenoid trigger up in the fore end grip. Bluetooth, lol. pull trigger - boom - squeeze stock - clack at least it's "on hand" and ready edit: electric pump action
  18. Yes, he got that part right also. I think he just wants people to avoid "jerking their body away". Which doesn't help the situation. Pushing outside and leaning body weight toward the ground will lift the bike, without disturbing line. Maybe. edit: Just read your longer post. It helps having your experience here on the forum. I'm still thrashing with "wanting the bike to stand up quickly before finishing the turn". It's not too bad, but I'll fix it eventually. It's a stock bike and suspension after all. And my front fluids/springs are getting to be hosed, it's "topping out" with a clack over speed bumps. The joys of a bike growing old (without maintenance).
  19. http://www.examiner.com/article/loganville-ga-mom-shoots-intruder-five-times-saves-her-two-children
  20. Absolutely. A complete "shot in the dark". Along with the FFL complications. Other parts aren't so bad. Just buy and some day in the future it's delivered. Maybe. Things might get back to normal in maybe 6 months. But the back orders will take longer to resolve. Some people are saying there will be a flood of cancellation of credit card orders at some time in the future. When buyers start to calm down.
  21. I'm sure it would be heavy, so I picture it being rolled away. Just aim it downhill and pick it up when it stops. Don't get in it's way, you wouldn't want to be flattened by a trillion dollars.
  22. Yes, all political parties are involved. It's a "point the finger at the other guy" game. That public vs federal debt thing in RevelStoker's link is interesting. edit: reading it again, the link is very good. http://www.justfacts.com/nationaldebt.asp In defense of our current condition, all the countries of the world apparently are in the same condition (or worse). Doesn't make it right, but apparently in order to compete and survive in a world market, this is the result of competition. Lighten up, world... take a break. edit: err... it appears that the world thinks increased Gross Domestic Product is the solution. I'm sure there is a saturation limit. The reverse solution is less people to provide for, or less revenue spent on providing. Neither seems to be viable. The middle ground solution is more productivity from the population as it currently exists. Meaning "we the people" can work our way out of this. I wish us luck. My opinion is we need more engineers and scientists, creating wonderful inventions that the rest of the world must have. There might be no limit to that course of action.
  23. I've read some of the other motorcycle tips he has, and most are pretty good. He got the shift body weight TOWARD a scraping peg correct. And a lot of others.
  24. Downloading... edit: first look, it appears to be quite good.
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