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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. That wasn't real specific, but I get the idea. But I'm going to reverse it, and ask: name one state or federal set of documents of law that does not mention it. Good luck.
  2. They can yodel like crazy too.
  3. I give up. No one is biting. The requirement for an "American Army" of ordinary citizens already exists in both Federal law and State law. It's permanent, survived challenges, and has been modified to make it stronger. Yes, it says you should own a weapon and ammunition if you can afford to do so. It is what it is. The largest army in the world. The American public. Nothing even comes close. It's who we are, even if some don't like it. It is freedom. Forever. Don't change it.
  4. There's more to this. But what would that be.
  5. So.... is there a market for a hidden compartment to hide the hidden compartment? Just asking....
  6. From what I've read, about 1% are investigated by BATF for falsifying the document.
  7. Flexible. Needs to use common ammunition. Be functional. Operator needs to be proficient with safe use. Government can issue if need be in hardship cases.
  8. So does this get expanded to American active military, retired, discharged (honorable), guard, reserve and militia should all have personal military firearms at home? It's the American Army. I say yes.
  9. My mistake. Ex-military and current military. Even other military, what the heck.
  10. and wiki. wiki is god's gift which never lies.
  11. Vermont is attempting to pass this type of legislation. It allows for petition to exempt, at a minimum cost. Should some one not wish to comply. Yes, a small penalty. Not much different than conscientious objector, but with a fine. edit: enforcement isn't an issue with good citizens of honor, which most ex-military already are.
  12. ok ok, random appearance of random people doing random things randomly allowed. But only randomly... edit: and.... wait for it...
  13. Whining, crying, and sheep bleating not allowed in this thread. Delusions of fantasy worlds of rainbows and unicorns also excluded. Discussion is technically of interest only to ex-military personnel.
  14. He's in trouble solely because the sniffing dog hit on that compartment. If they want to do trace testing, they can prove it. Sounds expensive for a 4th degree.
  15. Over age of 18, three years for males and two years for females. Arab citizens are excluded, but Druze citizens are included. Service can be various. Border patrol is one of the options. All citizens with prior military service are reserves, but seldom called. Maximum of one month training per year for reserves.
  16. It is kinda high considering some sell for around $50,000. Up from $35,000 a few years ago. And to think they sold new for $200.
  17. Yes, in a perfect world guns (sic) would only kill other guns, and leave us people out of it. sarcasm And I still don't blame Sudafed for what stupid people do.
  18. And today Kasich is worth quoting also. He's not delaying the new changes to Ohio's gun laws.
  19. If I remember right, Switzerland has a mandatory military service for men. Voluntary for women. And as far as I know, they still take the service rifle home and hang it over the fireplace. Israel has something similar, but they keep them all in armories in each neighborhood. When the call comes, they put on their combat gear and draw weapons.
  20. The largest army in the world. The American public. Nothing even comes close. It's who we are, even if some don't like it. It is freedom. Forever. Don't change it. I want one new federal law. All ex-military must buy their own combat rifle. 7.62 or 5.56.
  21. Oklahoma has been quietly changing state laws to what they want them to be. The federal government has told them "they can't do that" for many of the changes. Oklahoma is ignoring them, and making the laws they want to be laws. For Oklahoma, this is changing just about everything that DC has done that is dumb.
  22. I know one guy that has his on the front porch. It isn't going anywhere. Yeah, motorized dolly to the basement and leave it when the house is sold.
  23. I'm with you. I have no clue what those even are, let alone take them.
  24. And while we've been talking about it, several more google search links have vanished. Gone. One of the articles did mention that Nick Meli previously had a job as a security guard at the mall. But not currently. And you can no longer find that either. Gone. edit: one of the remaining links that comes up in a search of his name, does not mention him. Gone. Internet archive just decided it's not archiving usnews.nbcnews.com. Gone.
  25. You know, there's two types of bad guys. One type will see some one coming for him. And the other type you could pretty much walk up and stick a firearm in his ear. Choose wisely.
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