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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I Give a golf clap to all you leg humpers, for not destroying this thread. Welcome QTPie.
  2. Wonder what it costs to import one....
  3. I have cookies here somehwere...I'll let you know when I find them.
  4. Got a 31 kill streak, and finally thought I was going to get to drop a nuke... That would have been if I would have equipped the damn thing!! :mad: Ubber pissed at myself.
  5. They were announcing the dismissal last night round 9:30. Didn't say what for though. One could assume. For the snow. Kinda silly if you ask me. I would rather goto school now then in June.
  6. They were $138.00 after taxes.
  7. So I went with the TCX X-Cube http://www.thevisorshop.com/acatalog/tcx_xcube.jpg They received good reviews. Fit was good, and was pretty comfy walking around the store. I will let you know, once I get them broken in.
  8. Wow, the new jaws theme song was amusing.
  9. Looking for riding boots. Need some ideas. Would like them to be waterproof, lace up, and about midsized. Not really looking for a sport riding boot. And not a lot of plastic. Ideas are welcome. I'm at iron pony if anyone would like to come and assist.
  10. mmmmm roast beef...and mac and cheese.
  11. hookers and possibly blow...
  12. Meh, those damn suzuki riders are the the ones you have to watch out for... I love all you silly squids
  13. Where you think the ninja perk came from?
  14. Been a pretty busy and productive day. I've only had two smokes today.
  15. You don't wanna play with the Frenchies? They are usually on at that time in the morning.
  16. Seriously the Dutch have a MC gang in Pennsylvannia?!?!?
  17. Alot of scooters...never pictured a scooter with a sidecar.
  18. Cdubyah

    Severe weather

    Holy crap! Snow?!?! Really? I haven't seen that in a couple of hours, lets hope I remember how to navigate through it. Wouldn't want to become a statistic.
  19. Cdubyah


    HAHAHA too funny.
  20. Hey fella, when you get a chance post up in the introduction forum.

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