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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. I just randomly entered things that I knew I had, that I didn't use anymore. Cell phones, couple games, an XBOX. Better than collecting dust, just laying around.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOhf3OvRXKg&feature=player_embedded This video shows the winner of 2009's " Ukraine 's Got Talent", Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch. The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears and she won the top prize of about $75,000. She begins by creating a scene showing a couple sitting holding hands on a bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy scene is obliterated. It is replaced by a woman's face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Once again war returns and Miss Simonova throws the sand into chaos from which a young woman's face appears. She quickly becomes an old widow, her face wrinkled and sad, before the image turns into a monument to an Unknown Soldier. This outdoor scene becomes framed by a window as if the viewer is looking out on the monument from within a house. In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside and a man standing outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying goodbye. The Great Patriotic War, as it is called in Ukraine , resulted in one in four of the population being killed with eight to 11 million deaths out of a population of 42 million. An art critic said:"I find it difficult enough to create art using paper and pencils or paintbrushes, but using sand and fingers is beyond me. The art, especially when the war is used as the subject matter, even brings some audience members to tears. And there's surely no bigger compliment."
  3. Just came across this website reading a news article. Seems to be legit. I'm unloading a lot of stuff I don't use anymore. Prices seem to be fair as well. www.gazelle.com
  4. No points. Can't get points for mechanical violation.
  5. Looks sick. Good thought on the switch. I had a ticket from CPD that said my red lights facing forward was illegal. It's considered a mechanical violation, something you purposely changed. So if the LEO is cool, you might get a warning to have them replaced and to have it inspected at the station. If not so cool, you will be ticketed, and told to fix it. Or if they are being a douche they can tow it. 4513.13 Cowl, fender, and back-up lights. 4513.17 Limit on number of lights. Stupid Ohio Laws....it's not written anywhere in black and white. Looks like descretion of the officer, and their definition of headlight.
  6. I forsee some playing time in my not so distant future...
  7. Just goto first prestige and unlock everything. There are more weapon challenges after prestige. So why. Try to unlock everything at 70. When you get more challenges for stuff after prestige? Just means you gotta do all that Shit again..and a little more on top.
  8. More emblems and titles are available after prestige, for all of you who are hanging around at 70.
  9. Some of those landscape pictures are gorgeous!
  10. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=14422698
  11. Why is Kevin Kurgis always leaning forward whil walking towards the camera like he is going to shank something?
  12. Some of those were rather amusing. Some looked like they hurt like hell.
  13. I think I might have gotten one of those right.
  14. I don't think they gave him enough time to get established. I think NBC screwed the pooch here. Lets sign Conan, and keep on Leno. No shit it didn't work. Conan announced he wouldn't be hosting when It moved back.
  15. Well at least there is alot to rub off before you get to anything vital. It goes with all bikes fun junkie. There always has to be someone to pee in the pool and ruin it for everyone else.
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