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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah

    09 r1

    Didn't know you were thinking of selling. Must mean you have your eye on something else. Good luck buddy.
  2. You should know better than to post anything with a picture of your chest area, and not expect us to pic it apart.
  3. Cdubyah

    Halo 3 ODST

    Yeah, I'm not gonna say that doesn't suprise me Fonz. It's a game, no need to get all uppity for it. It will still be there when you get home.
  4. I saw that this morning on yahoo. There is some sort of good cause attached to the videos. Here is the article... http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Video-World-s-longest-basketball-shot?urn=nba,191193
  5. Cdubyah

    Halo 3 ODST

    agreed. thread has been gheyed.
  6. Cdubyah

    Halo 3 ODST

    Im more of a fan of CoD for the gameplay. It's much faster and realistic. As Justin stated, you need a little more talent than just "jump, jump, fire, jump, fire, jump, melee." Throw a grenade in there for good measure too. However, I like to follow the story line of Halo. You also get all of the H3 expansion map packs with ODST. Just in case you didn't purchase them already.
  7. Cdubyah

    Halo 3 ODST

    I really expected a thread to already be rolling. What are your thoughts? Only got to play through a couple of levels last night. I found the play to be a little slow at the start. Maybe because I haven't played Halo in over a year. So maybe it was just me trying to get re-adjusted to the controls. I did feel like an outcast a little yesterday before the purchase. every single person on the friend list was playing ODST. I'm liking the multiple story lines, should make it a little more interesting. Don't want to spoil it for those of you that haven't played yet. Discuss.
  8. Yes horrible title. That makes two of us.
  9. Ok so I'm a bit confused at the title of the second video... What is she biting back? The Asphalt?
  10. hey hey....what's crackin?

  11. I believe because the HD is treated like the baby of the family. Whatever they want they get, because they have the most backing, or support of the "people".
  12. There should be recommendations in your owners manual. To each his own on this topic.
  13. Nope I'm just a dork, I know it by heart.
  14. "Oh, I was under the assumption that everyone had heard."
  15. Take the SR 79N (Cedar Street) exit off of SR 16 E. There is a KFC at that exit. That's where the group met last time. Maybe you could meet up with some people from columbus at IP?
  16. Haha, the same could be said about you good sir. Or some lame ass trip you planned, but didn't really want to go on. haha
  17. That just doesn't do it for me. I mean is batman allergic to bees or something? That's a hell of a sting. This brings me back to fat appropriate clothing...no one wants to see that.
  18. damn...no fatman batman suit for me..... I has a sad
  19. I'll help ya out Nick....damn slow kids. I kid, I kid. The Jay Leno Show is on at 10:00pm The Tonight Show with Conan is on at 11:30pm Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is on at 12:30am Also Leno had Robin Williams on last night. He's nuckin futs when hes on... Again a good show IMO. Guess I missed the only shitty one on Monday?? And just in case you missed it, you can pretty much watch the show online. http://www.thejaylenoshow.com/episode-guide/
  20. I can see that you haven't read the kama sutra? Reciprocal Sight Of The Posteriors Sort of like reverse cowgirl, cept you are sitting. Spread your knees out, and let her do the work....damn! She shouldn't be touching your knees. OR Side Saddle Cowgirl, she sorta does a crab walk perpendicular to you, and supports all her weight. Or try.... The Goat and the Tree Sounds more like something Fonz would try In all seriousness... nah where would the fun be in that? Good luck to you young fellow.
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