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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. They must have given him the wrong size???
  2. Damn, I was hoping to see you and the war banner
  3. You get a punch on your man card for that. But you have earned it back with this statement, and some rep on top.
  4. Good to know. Should try the monkey blood next time.
  5. Was going on swing'rs comment. Verizon is the main provider in the area, and thats about it. SO, I was giving verizon kudos for being a monopoly in Coshocton.
  6. You're bring this sexy piece of machinery to Bikenight tonight right? I'll bring the stick to fend of the skanks!
  7. HA! and your point would be?? You still love us....you know it.
  8. We've had more than one gathering there, alot more than 10 people showed up.
  9. wow. That looked terrible. God Speed rider.
  10. Those BITCHES!!!! I stand corrected. It's not available to ALL parts of Ohio. Like us sheepfuckers in cornshocktown.
  11. I assumed since Ohio wasn't on the list, that there was no service? Does it come up for Columbus???
  12. It's your show dude. Run it the way you want.
  13. not available in Ohio.
  14. I don't think we can make it at 6. Kid doesn't usually get off of work until 5:30 or so.
  15. Laptop doesn't have a 3.5mm sound input jack? Run through laptop out 3.5mm headphone jack to the amp.
  16. There is a distinct possibility that Kawi Kid and I will be riding over tomorrow. And would be passing through newark.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LjcRlI1EII
  18. E-lovin and crazy man gibberish! Tomorrow is gonna be full of win!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIvVjlPrPCw
  20. forum nerd card reinstated
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