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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Stupid people shouldnt breed.
  2. Agreed. I think what you are seeing are the newbs don't follow the .
  3. Rep for this comment. Let me say, I went through the same thing with my technical school, that this women is going through with hers. One of the major selling points was th 110% job placement program. Well that didn't work worth a shit. I did all of the leg work myself. Found my own job, ang get along just fine. I didn't walk at graduation, simply because I didn't want to give the school any more money. I graduated, and dropped by the school to pickup my degree, that I asked them to mail. Whilst sitting in the lobby, a new batch of students were taking a tour. The school rep was dumb enough to ask me for input. So I gave it to them straight laced. Which wasn't very helpful for the school cause. They have also emailed me several times to come back and speak to current students. I have refused. They also want to take the credit for the job that I found. I have refused that as well. In no way have I thought of suing them for their piss poor polcies! I have, in my own way, ranted for my cause. I just can't wait till I get hit up for an alumni donation! I will record the phonecall.
  4. It really didn't cut loose until we got back to SR 60. Then the flood gates opened.
  5. drenched would be the understatement of the year! I was dumping water out of my boots. Lots of rain. Fun stuff.
  6. ^^haha. Gotta go pick up my grill tomorrow. Good ride today folks. Sorry about getting us lost in Apple Valley hell, and kicking squirrel remains up off the road. Hope everyone made it home ok. The downpour was fun to ride through.
  7. I would like to be through there round 9:30. Knoqing how Kawi works in the morning I would say closer to 9:50. unless he surprises me tomorrow.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcNWQ_VWMDk
  9. To all you fellow geeks, and nerds. That is all.
  10. I was still at work. Got home at 11.
  11. Cdubyah


    also on a pay freeze. Probably will be on one for a while. They let another one go today. Pretty shitty.
  12. QSL is on Wendesday's. BWR is the OR official bike night on Thursdays. Least you were riding... I think.
  13. HAHA Tech support FTMFW!! I don't care what anyone says about the folks that can't speak a lick of English, who are in tech support. Saved me a lot of explaining to my boss tomorrow. I still hate Novell.
  14. who says rep doesn't mean anything???
  15. negative rep that bitch.
  16. Yes, please have one ready. Assuming I get out of here before my shift starts tomorrow. Yes, it sucks balls.
  17. So I have to give a training tomorrow on Groupwise. It's the novell equivalent of Outlook. Anywho... I'm getting ready to leave today, figured I check on things before tomorrow, just to make sure. Well sure as shit, it's not working. So now I'm stuck here at the office trying to rebuild this bitch. Training is tomorrow morning at 9:00am. FML: I hate novell. Stupid boss, stupid training.
  18. OHHH.. I see what you did there. I was confuzzled for a minute.
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