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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. ^^ Make sure to watch out for the helicopters!
  2. Oh my god!! That's fucking awesome!!!!!!
  3. Pics look great! Haven't had alot to do today at work so I sat through the whole slideshow.
  4. I'll smoke while I ride...mwahahaha!!! I kid of course, it would be rather difficult to smoke with my helmet on. However, I have seen the guys that don't wear lids smoking going down the road.
  5. I didn't realize there were so many shadow riders.
  6. Or it kicked more up. Round these parts the weather does strange things.
  7. Its a little north of Utica. All the more reason to go on this ride. I should be available.
  8. hampster...hammerhead...to each his own I guess.
  9. Maybe, just maybe, we will get to ride up to bike night before the end of the season.
  10. If you are coming up on 79 be careful of debris. There was a lot of gravel out there on Tuesday. When I mean alot, I mean there were several corner completly full of it. 79 is pretty infamous for that shit. Just be careful kids, want to make sure you get here in one piece.
  11. Thats from the general fund. All of the agencies were ask to cut a combined 5%. They wanted it done by the end of the month!!!
  12. we could always come up 83 N and swing past on 62 and then hit 60 south.
  13. hey you're fucking this moneky, I'm just holdin the tail.
  14. thats twice you have said that now....
  15. e, where the hell are your pics?
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