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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. shoutbox whoring I can go on and on....it's a slow day in hell with flourescent lighting
  2. Yeah at first glance it definetly looked like his bike. But once the helmet came off, it wasn't him. Sorry for the mistaken Identity.
  3. Well if you bartend the way you split fire wood, I'm not so sure I would like that. I kid I kid, don't break a bottle over my head.
  4. gives all new meaning to e-pimpin!!!
  5. so how bout them squids eh? definitely not as nice as the picture above. We get old fat guys on Harley's. Not a pleasant sight, especially on the way to lunch.
  6. Well I was gonna post a toll booth willy reference here, but due to the NWS language, decided against it.
  7. Could talk to our local hillbilly station. They are pretty good at running PSA's. That would spread it out a bit.
  8. They will give you a new plate on the spot. Will cost you $4.50. I had to replace my plate after my accident.
  9. Djisle Yes No Nope Has stated that money will be returned for the loans given out on bike night. There were several. That is all.
  10. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
  11. Well if you ever come to Coshocton, and see a large "lady", with an adams apple the size of your fist, I suggest you turn around and walk the other way.
  12. Ha, you weren't around for the conversation. Yes there is a large black cross dressing man in town. We'll have to fill you in the next time.
  13. nothin like a little toiletry humor to make Friday a little more enjoyable.
  14. You should be nice to nerds, chances are you'll end up working for one. Not true in your case, you get agrumpy, bitter old man.
  15. Now where have I heard this before???? hmmm
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