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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. From the book "No Easy Day" the author (member of the SEAL team) said that two blood samples were taken from his body during the raid. He also said that they took peronal items from the compound as well. One could hypothesize that the comparison was made with the items taken.
  2. Cdubyah

    Bike Raffle

    I paid postage for tickets, and received them in the mail. No winners though.
  3. Oddly enough this happened to me today whilst I was out on the bike. Renner rd to Hilliard Rome. Green turn arrow, person sat with their thumb up their ass. The car in front of me was all kinds of pissed off.
  4. I'm gonna go with....people are fucking stupid.
  5. Cdubyah

    Ft: 06 Vfr

    I'll trade you a taco cart.
  6. Interesting...My appointment was Thursday @ 11:30am. I have not received a phone call. My fingerprints and what not are on file with the state, for work purposes. It did only take five minutes to run through the paperwork, fingerprints and photo. Coworker had his back in 3 days earlier in the month of August. What's more interesting is that BCII, who checks your fingerprints was down over the weekend...
  7. Had you been selling around november last year I might have snatched this from you. I'm plenty comfy in my Dodge.
  8. No trunk, I drive a truck. So under the seat cabled in, or under the back seat in the storage area cabled in. Just wondering what the general consensus was. Mainly on combo or key. I have plenty of bins, and places to put said firearm, but nothing locks. So I would feel uncomfortable just stashing it somewhere.
  9. So does anyone have a portable vault for their car? Regardless of make or model, what are your thoughts? Do you prefer the key lock vault? Or the combination lock? Looking at the options, and trying to figure out if it's A. worth the purchase, B. What the best option is going to be. Thanks.
  10. I had already watched the video before you posted it. It will also be a glorious day when this happens.
  11. Will you have a 2014 Cross Road's 8 Ball? I might have to make a trip over if you do.
  12. September and October are booked full
  13. I honestly don't know if the position is still open or not. She sent that to me back in March. It's a very small organization (14 employees) that provides learning based network stuff to schools in Licking county.
  14. Yup. No one else really calls me Cdub @ 7am on a saturday morning.
  15. Definitely an awesome event ot be a part of. Kudos to all of you that were rocking the pedal power. I could not believe the amount of bicycle's that started out of downtown. I would encourage all of you to to become a part of this event. Everyone has been touched by this disease in some way. There is always a need for more help. There is a hell of alot to be done on the ride days. Hopefully I will able to volunteer again next year. Unfortunatley I wasn't able to chase down Casper and give him a 25 mph Congratulatory smack on the ass like I wanted. But there is always next year.
  16. Yup, kids used to roll on @ church and race to 79, then just roll back off. Then loop and repeat. Had a classmate in high school get nailed there.
  17. For the record. I am neither for nor against lane splitting. I see pros and cons of both sides. I'm still trying to form an educated opinion on the matter in Ohio
  18. I understand the need/want to filter through traffic. However, living in Ohio with all the other mouth breathers it worries me. When the seasons change in Ohio people drive like shit. Rain, snow, fucking leaves. ERMERGERD!!!! I think the concept is golden. Becuase I don't want to get crushed between cars. But when you start zipping between cars, inevitably some dickhole will try to cut you off. We live in Ohio, home of the asshole. I'm torn on this topic. I don't ever run into highway traffic that crawls. Granted I work 2nd shift, so I don't see alot of traffic. The other problem I see is that you would have is Captain Awesome riding beewteen traffic @80mph giving zero fucks about what he is doing. That gives us all a bad name, and would get the law reversed because it scared an 80y/o white female enough her false teeth came out. Just my $.02
  19. Tim, My buddy already purchased his tickets. Thank you though.
  20. Are there any resrrictions on travel locations? I have a biddy flying back from arizona with his wife and kid. Do you need them in hand at the gate? Or it a code you use when buying tickets?
  21. Yup, I've been asked to leave a gas station when trying to buy a gatorade with my lid on. Didn't really think anything about it when I walked in.
  22. I see what you did there...
  23. Excellent movie indeed
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