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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Get her a season of her favorite show. Write a love note. Make a fancy dinner. Watch favorite show together. Done.
  2. What ammo were you using? This has happened to me using cheapo winchester. Only a round or two though.
  3. Well before someone else hits you with it... repost, sorry buddy a troll beat me to it!
  4. How many steelers fan does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to do the job, and the other to tell everybody else how much better they are at it than everybody else.
  5. Cdubyah

    We were lost!

    No parking sign... priceless
  6. BTW your sig is pretty damn amusing in itself.
  7. I was wondering how I got the cowboy hat... I didn't know they let "Russtafarian's" in this bar!
  8. Awesome... http://blog.games.yahoo.com/blog/347-choose-your-path-videos-turn-youtube-into-game-platform http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8rJ1WML60Y
  9. Honestly what did the kid expect? Grumpy "we can take a joke" Old Men? On a golf course?
  10. Some poker runs are still pretty boring for me. To much strait road. Or to many old men yelling to get the hell out of the driveway. Or almost having a 636 run up my ass.
  11. So what your saying is, you're not going to ring his bell?
  12. JRMMiii the 21st century robin of the hood
  13. Perhaps you should engineer a bridge!
  14. No actual cash is ever exchanged. Just keep that in mind. Benefits are loaded on a card. Cash Assistance is given directly to the service or provider. Transportation is paid for directly to the provider. Unfortunately there aren't a whole lot of items that are restricted from purchase with the benefit card. Booze and cigarettes are though. But that doesn't keep someone some selling groceries that they bought with a benefit card to buy the restricted items. That is considered fraud. Which does get monitored, reported and sometimes prosecuted. Food for thought. You cannot posses another person's benefit card. It's considered a felony because you are not the person the government issued it to. The system is broken, there is no debate about that. However, there are people the truly need a helping hand from time to time. Most, are not baby producers, or crack heads. They are just average folks like you and me. I often ask what I would do if I was on the other side of the desk.
  15. government housing is a whole different monster than food assistance. They have completely different guidelines.
  16. They are probably committing welfare fraud. What you described is 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. Eligibility is based on Household income, household resources, and family size.
  17. People who milk the system aren't usually crack heads. They are people who know what the limitations on income restrictions are. So they stay under it to qualify. Most of whom have learned to work the system from the previous generation.
  18. Who is going to pay for drug test? The government? On the limited budget? Or the taxpayers? who are already stretched pretty thin. :tin foil hat: People on assistance can't show medical proof if they don't have insurance to pay for the medical procedure. I know there are places like Kno-Ho-Ko. But who do you think thy get there budget from? Soon you won't even be able to come to an office for a face to face interview. They are moving towards call center technologies. Yeah I think this is a swell idea. There are just to many holes in the theory.
  19. HA! That video makes me laugh every time I see it.
  20. In some states yes. Mostly considered trespassing, so it's a minor misdemeanor, dealt with by the local officials. I was thinking more that he posted it on youtube. But seeing as there are tons of vids out there with illegal activities in them, I doubt that will happen.
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