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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    Honestly the difference isn't that much now. XBOX live is $60 per year. PSN is free I think the network is of better quality with the XBOX though. That's my personal opinion. I purchased an xbox for the xbox specific games. PS3 has the same sort of thing.
  2. I'm not, I brick wall could act better.
  3. Cdubyah

    Eating Alone

    Eh, a good sports bar, where there is something to do will cut the mustard. I used to go out all the time by myself when I was single. Doesn't bother me a bit, as long as I have something to do (ntn buzztime) or something to watch.
  4. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    HAHA Cleave just called you out Brian. I'm thinking a contract match to settle the dispute!
  5. What's the game? I have a friend that collects arcade style games. He might be interested. He's got a whole room in his basement for this stuff.
  6. Hopefully better than Revenge of the Fallen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qqeoyn58O4
  7. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    Totally a ripoff of Goldeneye, Golden Gun matches.
  8. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    You just have to play it more than a day. lol Anything Treyarch puts out isn't going to be comparable to Infinity Ward. It's like the practice squad playing against the 1st stringers. That being said, I'm shocked that I actually like this game. I'm a huge skeptic of Treyarch, but I think they nailed this one. Only thing I really dislike is all of the menus I have to go through to see my damn challenges. That's a bit confusing.
  9. After further review of the menu, I look forward to partaking the Festivities of this establishment.
  10. aboard I like pizza Steve!!
  11. I like to think thunder and lightning...
  12. Actually unrelated reasons. Funny though Todd. I'm unsure at this point Max. Been driving to the bus every weekend since November, so the lady wants to come here that weekend I guess.
  13. Oh, by far not enough. Not even scratching the surface. But the more folks talk about it, the more they might understand.
  14. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    I love how they got rid of quick scoping.
  15. Yep that's the one plus her boyfriend. She's tamed down a bit. So hopefully, she won't be a pain in the ass like last year.
  16. Changing a picture to prevent child abuse may be silly, but it gets people talking. Just as you are doing in this thread. To me that's a win.
  17. Negative Ghost Rider.
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