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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Cdubyah


    That's pretty nifty
  2. I told you to call me in the 2nd PM fo! No big deal, I will make it sometime.
  3. Might have to wait a little longer to head to a bike night, it was a wwweeeee bit cold on the ride from from grove city last night.
  4. I bet that it does some killer whoolies!
  5. I bet I can get him bungee'd to the back of my bike.
  6. Here are the only restrictions that I know of... - Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco - Any non-food items, such as: - pet foods; - soaps, paper products; and - household supplies. - Vitamins and medicines. - Food that will be eaten in the store. - Hot foods There are loopholes with every system, and people that will always be there to suck it up. So even if you did weed out the drug users, you still have the people that abuse the system.
  7. I might, I'm still tossing around the idea.
  8. Rules, I suggest you read them before you spout your mouth off. I am going to recommend #4, and #5. Consider this your warning. 1) No racism. Period. The offender will be instantly banned. 2) No sexism. Its one thing to say some chick is hot, but don't be an ass about it. 3) No advertising in sigs, profiles, avatars, etc. 4) No threats of violence. 5) No personal attacks. 6) For the love of God and anything else Holy, don't fucking post the same thing multiple times in different threads and forums.
  9. That fight was a joke. I agree that he is a great fighter, but it would be nice to actually see him do something other than act like an ass. I think there was maybe 4 maybe 5 minutes of actual fighting. If you are really that good, kick the other guys ass, and be done with it. I'm not quite sure what he was going for Saturday night. Now granted, IIRC, he took some heat for ending fights to quickly. So maybe this is his way of stretching the fight out. Still pretty ridiculous what he did during that fight. I was disappointed with Penn's fight too.
  10. Wonder if the doctor is filming that, or if someone else is in the room?
  11. Sorry to hear moose, glad you are ok though...
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18zKUlxWW08
  13. It varies on the game if it's backwards compatible IIRC. http://us.playstation.com/support/compatiblestatus/
  14. come on folks, if I tell them four people are gonna show up, I doubt we get any special treatment. Not to mention, they will laugh and point.
  15. I hadn't seen these two until today... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaKbXJUWRZk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krola1u-Dsc
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