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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. This sounds like it going to be sweet gun but I have yet to find a store that has one. It is smaller than the kel-tec pf9 and the lc9 but an ounce or two heavier. Have you seen one some where? http://www.handgunsmag.com/2011/11/03/review-beretta-nano/
  2. He can't get off the toilet to post the updates
  3. Ask your contractor how he insulates around the windows a lot of contractors jam in as much fiberglass insulation as they can force in the space and you end up with drafts
  4. I'd look for a fire safe and also make sure it is waterproof. There are a lot of fire safes on the market that are not waterproof.
  5. One more reason why all women should get their CHL.
  6. It's the same with home owners insurance you need flood insurance and sewer back up insurance and all this other BS and then if they don't want to pay they say well it's not covered because it was an act of god.
  7. I don't know the solution but government mandated insurance is not the answer those idiots in Washington already have too much power While were on this subject when your in the hospital how the doctors justify charging you several hundred dollars to walk into your room say hi maybe look at your chart and walk out?
  8. Hopefully she has a very large brother and he finds these guys and repeatedly beats them while trying to remember to call the police
  9. That is what's sad in this country if those parents had been on welfare that child's bills would have been paid but since they work and provide for their family they get screwed.
  10. So quit giving the free loaders a free ride but don't let the government decide if IP's insurance is good enough for him or not that is his choice remember this is still United States of America not United States of China
  11. Well then if it's so good maybe more people should move over to that side of the pond and leave us red blooded stubborn Americans to decide if we want health insurance or not on our own.
  12. How nice would it be if when you had injured your ankle they put your name a waiting list for xray and sent you home and 3 weeks later you got the call to come in for xray and then they say oh well its broken but it started to heal wrong so now you need surgery so we'll put your name on the list for surgery and 6 months later you get that surgery
  13. Eh don't worry in a few years when were all speaking Chinese your health insurance won't matter.
  14. Take him out in the woods cue up the banjo music and tell him to squeal like a pig
  15. http://www.bikerhiway.com/motorcycle-air-horns-c-520_287_247.html
  16. Sons of Anarchy, American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, Shameless, Homeland
  17. yes I agree it's a bit pricey and storage units aren't the cheapest either. Do you have any friends with a little garage space close by?
  18. http://www.cycleshelter.com/?gclid=CJeO2OCEp6wCFcvJKgodwQpwag
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEeMJgV75nQ&feature=related
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