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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I'll bet the cows leg felt better afterwards though
  2. Is this one any good? https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/69657
  3. Try some of the links in this thread http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=14263&highlight=manuals
  4. I've been looking at those the price is a bit steep but if it's going to last twice as long it's not so bad. I'm getting about due for a new battery so I will probably be ordering one in the spring. The weight savings might help me pick up a mph or two in the land speed runs.
  5. haven't checked this thread in awhile the steering stem nut torque is 58ft/lb
  6. I held mine up with engine hoist and nylon strap around rear sub-frame you could put it on stand and then put a strap over rafters to support it and then remove the stand
  7. Do yourself a favor and buy a snowblower that mower you have is not heavy enough to move any deep or heavy snow. We tried plowing with my grandparents kubota with chains on it and it weighs 900+ and it wouldn't move the heavy wet snow or anything more than a couple inches deep. My drive is 50x29 and I have a 24" blower from home depot works great.
  8. Highly unlikely that this happened
  9. Guess I'm a dick too because I would've pulled my gun and aerated his ass as soon as he dove in the window.
  10. My grandfather always told me that you should always help people when you can because you never know when you'll be the one needing help. He would do anything to help someone. There was always someone coming over asking to borrow money or needed something welded or help moving something or a ride some where and 99% of the people he had never met but somehow they found out about him and he always helped them. I remember him writing a woman a check for $2000.00 to get a car he had never saw her before but she promised she'd pay him back after she left I asked him why he gave her the money that she probably wouldn't pay him back and he said he was fortunate enough to have the money she needed and if she didn't pay him back then she needed it more than he did. That spring when she got her income tax check she was there to pay him back even tried to give him extra for interest but he refused it.
  11. I left out the part that I was in this same juvenile detention center when I was 14-17 several times for some dumb shit never did anything serious mostly curfew violations. The guy that talked to me and made me wake up back then ended up being my boss when I worked there and he remembered me the day I interviewed and him remembering me was what got me the job he said he felt I was better qualified because I had "been there and done that" and I knew what these kids were going through and he said they wouldn't be able to BS me as easily as some of his other workers.
  12. I used to work at a juvenile detention center and we had this girl that got into trouble a lot she was locked up more than she was free from the age 14-16 always for dumb petty shit. Well one day after visitation I was walking the parents out to the exit and her mother stayed back and asked to talk to me. She told me how her daughter always said how nice I was to her and how much she liked me and that she would never do anything to upset me. Her mother said she just wanted me to know how thankful she was that someone was that nice to her daughter when she was locked up. Well about three weeks later she was do to be released and the night before her release I talked to her about keeping herself out of trouble and not coming back because if she ever came back I would be highly upset. I quit working there about six months later and never saw her there again. I ran into her one day in the mall she was 19 and was with her fiance she came running across the food court calling me with a huge smile on her face she said she just wanted to tell me that she never got into any trouble again after our talk that day because she wanted me to be proud of her. She had told me before how her dad never wanted anything to do with her. She said that she had never even met her father. She told me I was nice to her and listened to her like she thought a dad would do. Poor little girl just wanted a dad. Of all the jobs I've had that job is the only one I can honestly say I enjoyed going to work everyday just knowing that I had helped some kids better themselves was so rewarding.
  13. They have really good reviews I doubt you'll have any problems
  14. Prices are good but I'm not sure if these are factory seconds or returns. http://crossbreedseconds.com/index.php?sort=firearm&order=0
  15. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy to carry
  16. I have the comp tac mtac and it's great
  17. from comp tac website Deadwood Guns & Ammo 984 C Dubois Road Carlisle OH 45005 937-305-3409
  18. I'm out an old shoulder injury is giving me problems
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