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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Try Waste Management if you have one nearby they are always looking for drivers especially with a class A
  2. conn-e-rot


    FYI HD requires a credit card with at least $2000 available on it
  3. http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-news/naked-man-at-mcdonalds-leads-police-on-chase-1271844.html?cxtype=ynews_rss
  4. Holy shit the sheriff said in press conference there was 18 bengal tigers
  5. Here are a few http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/07/10/ZOO.TMP http://articles.cnn.com/2007-12-26/us/tiger.attack_1_siberian-tiger-carlos-sousa-tiger-attack?_s=PM:US http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/12/28/tigers_escape_from_enclosure_puzzles_specialists/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/15/bird-escapes-denver-zoo_n_900378.html
  6. conn-e-rot

    2006 Wing

    You should list this on rideohio
  7. If it is the sub compact it is almost the same size as the g27 very little difference in size.
  8. Plus I'd rather give the roads a chance to warm up a bit.
  9. Riding home in the cold after a good day of riding isn't as bad as riding in cold to a ride by the time I'd get there I'd be frozen and wouldn't want to go on.
  10. 10ish may be a bit early in these temps it's showing 40 for a low Friday and Saturday
  11. If it's the 4" service model than it'd be a tad bigger than the G23
  12. Maybe it's just the pic but the grip looks too long for a sub compact
  13. I didn't say I thought that it could beat the BMW.... maybe at the strip it would but not on a track all I meant was the BMW is what they should be gunning for not the Busa because if they were going after BMW they would have to greatly improve the handling and shed some weight. Regardless I like the straight line power and I have no desire to drag a knee on the street or the track I'll get my rush a 1/4 mile at a time and at Wilmington this summer.
  14. Careful messin with the resident porn king a lot of people with get pissed if he takes away the daily porn
  15. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=84336
  16. it's free to next 10 OR members go ask for it
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