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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Welcome and thank you for serving
  2. I'll probably stop out for the festivities this year.
  3. Is it an optical illusion or is that bike leaning a lot more than normal?
  4. If your worried about the insurance co then just go on ebay and buy the parts
  5. 1. If I was your buddy I'd be pissed cuz you were dumb enough to ask on a public forum if he should commit insurance fraud by lying and saying he was riding. 2. Just tell them the truth it will get fixed. 3. Keep your "buddies" dad of other peoples bikes
  6. rode my 14 up the ramp into back of the u-haul when we moved in snowstorm in February the ramp wasn't the scary part of the u-haul it was the floor inside the truck it was like an ice rink with snow and water on it
  7. Looks like it turned out to be good weather for you guys
  8. Nice find my buddy has been looking for '08 busa service manual thanks
  9. Welcome.... FYI - round here they are sport bikes..... rockets are what our good men & women in the military shoot up the talibans ass.
  10. No really it's a nice clean bike someone will be happy with it.
  11. If you don't want shot you shouldn't try to rob someone I hope the gut shots were good and he has to carry a colostomy bag the rest of his pitiful life. He should be thanking the guy for not shooting him in the face.
  12. those little kahr .40's are tough on delicate hands they shoot nice though
  13. conn-e-rot


    We got stuck in traffic for 2hrs+ on the way to Sturgis last year moving 10 feet at a time.....that sucked found out that night that Loolapalooza was going on that weekend
  14. Come on now your gonna lose your mexican status saying you don't like guac
  15. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=31228&highlight=meet+greet+pig+iron There is the thread for the 2009 one pics towards end of thread
  16. Power sports institute it's in North Randall http://www.psi-now.com/
  17. go buy a piaggio mp3 no need to put your feet down and better than a cage
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