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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. If I could buy any bike it'd be a turbine bike
  2. Texas has the right idea wanting to expedite the execution process
  3. Not we as a society just Bubba
  4. If I had to deal with people bugging me for autographs all the time I'd be a big asshole too
  5. Let me see how much 9mm ammo I have
  6. I would buy it.... to bad he says no plans to put into production
  7. http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/requiem-chuck-norris-beard-234554988.html
  8. http://videos2view.net/texas-light.htm#.TpjYMP3QiMM.aolmail
  9. Make sure the vent line is clear also
  10. That may be what he is hoping will happen
  11. I'm guessing he has been in protective custody and probably will be for some time to come.
  12. He was sentenced today 3 life without parole + 37 years for other charges... the kid is a real piece of shit http://www.wkyc.com/news/article/290121/33/TJ-Lane-given-3-life-sentences-in-Chardon-shooting http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/oh_geauga/chardon-high-school-shooter-tj-lane-gets-life-in-prison-without-parole-for-triple-murder http://www.19actionnews.com/
  13. I already have foxfi installed the error message is when trying to turn it on
  14. Yep I get an error message saying my provider has blocked it
  15. Found changelog https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/93191
  16. And did you drain tank and add fresh fuel?
  17. You pulling the carbs should have no bearing on the warranty unless you broke something in the process. Although if you take it in and they tear it apart and discover it is non warranty problem and you tell them you will fix it yourself you could still end up owing some labor charges. How well did you clean the carbs ? did you tear them down and clean good with carb cleaner?
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