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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Sale is pending on black one to TMonhollen
  2. Personally I think that pic would look best in color. I think lower back would be a good area and have the placement so it can be added to later on if you wanted. Oh and Hellmutt is right the chest might make you wince a bit a lot of nerves in that area just a FYI lower back will smart a bit when you get close to center but they aren't meant to tickle.
  3. It's spring obviously several people need to get off the computer and go ride
  4. Go to harbor freight site and search for rotary tool $8.99
  5. Maybe it was on sale but I could've swore I saw them under $20 there
  6. If they ask do not lie especially if you already changed your DL
  7. The caliper bolts probably have loctite on them try a little heat .... harbor freight sells dremels for like $10 or $20
  8. Well wd-40 & graphite powder made a mess.... graphite is a dry lubricant and will clump up and make big mess... take that wd and drown the key slot over and over and over you should be able to flush the graphite out and eventually loosen it up
  9. I believe you have 7 days to notify the issuing sheriff. I would call and inform them of the move they will tell you what if anything you have to do I wouldn't volunteer the date you moved unless asked.
  10. Yes its $50 All black no yellow lettering
  11. Exactly thats why I said lower front and rear. You can buy a digital caliper from harbor freight for like $10 then you know the forks are even
  12. When I had posted on another forum that I had stretched my zx14 I got the same bullshit replies everyone saying it was stupid and was going to ruin the handling blah blah blah.... Well I stretched it 6" which raised the rear about 3/16" which improved the handling. The ones saying it was going to ruin the handling had no experience with a stretched bike at all but they sure were certain it would ruin the handling. I rode my buddies '08 r6 before we lowered it and after we lowered it and there is no twitch, it doesn't wander, it isn't hard to push into a turn actually I think it handles a tad better now and now he can flat foot it and reverse it with ease. He said it even feels a little more planted on the highway that it doesn't feel like he gets pushed as much by wind from semis.
  13. I say buy the links and lower the bike ride it a few times if you don't like it then put it back to stock and sell the links. You will be amazed to find out that the negative BS people are telling you is just that BS.
  14. I'm not sure how you say lowering is going to shorten his wheelbase? If he only lowers the rear then it will slow the turn in a tad. Lowering both front and rear equal amounts it feels and handles the same. Like someone else said if you were at the track then you may notice some negative affects but doubtful if you would on the street unless you ride the street like it's a track. I'm sure some of our more experienced track riders may notice the difference on the street also but not us average Joe's.
  15. It's a new bike lowering it will give you more confidence when stopped and better footing when reversing and probably keep you from dropping your nice shiny bike. If it gives you piece of mind then lower it do not listen to all the haters. I'd wager that probably 99% of the people telling you not to lower it have never ridden a lowered bike. The handling change if any is not even going to be noticeable if you lower both front and back the same.
  16. If you do lower it then lower both front and rear the same amount
  17. I picked one up for my wife's razr and it has several different mounts available built in screen protector and covers on all ports
  18. check out the trident cases I like them better than the otterboxes
  19. The artist will be able to tell you what size will work best but if you want writing on stickers and such you want to go as big as possible because they may look good when done but if too small in a few years they may not look so good.
  20. Never had a HTC phone but I have the razr maxx and its flawless and has great battery life
  21. Expect to pay a lot if someone tells you they will do a big tat like that for $200 walk away.
  22. No offense but your tattoo artist really fucked that tat up
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