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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. You might want to check into lowering your deductible after the repairs it might not be saving you much having a $500 deductible
  2. I have a 2003 xr70 with 88cc I'll sell for $500
  3. yes jbot is right you could always poop on his car
  4. Pay the deductible and forget about it even if you did sue chances of getting your money back is slim. If you show up at his house you could be in a world of trouble not worth $250.
  5. Shit if you have a chase vehicle go for it that will be an amazing trip
  6. One of the biggest risk is the acoustic ceiling tiles flooring usually isn't an issue because it doesn't turn to dust like the ceiling tiles do. My grandfather died from Mesothelioma and it's a painful long nasty death so if I even think there is a chance of asbestos I won't mess with it but others do. In your case using the wonderboard and covering it makes sense and will save you a lot of labor.
  7. I wouldn't mess with it they banned it in '78 but the ban didn't stop them from selling anything that was already made and some say it could have been sold as late as early '90's. It isn't worth the risk and the wonderboard will save you a lot of hard work either way.
  8. asbestos was in rolled linoleum
  9. ^^This if it's old and 9x9 you can figure it has asbestos but they also made asbestos in 12x12 and it was used in linoleum also. If you even think it could have asbestos in it just leave it alone and go over top of it with something like wonderboard
  10. I would go with the wonder board I'd be worried that it wouldn't get a good bond if you tiled directly over it
  11. I use my checking account at firstmerit for trips and they always put a stop on my card every trip all it takes is a phone call from me to verify transactions a little inconvenience but at least I know they watch it closely.
  12. Not my agent anymore this was years ago as I stated before and I hit it almost dead center of the front of my exploder
  13. This happened in PA and to top it off the insurance co asked for a police report so I called PA state patrol asking about getting a report the trooper said they don't do police reports for deer in PA.
  14. Well all I know is I hit a deer and called it in and she said you mean a deer hit you and I said no I didn't see it soon enough and it ran out and I hit it and then she said no you mean the deer hit you they always hit you.
  15. I've never been to Daytona but you might have a hard time finding hotel any where close being this late.
  16. I'm sure some are better and some are worse that's why I said "some".
  17. That is the perks that come with landing a government job. Good for them
  18. My agent told me several years ago always remember animals run into you this falls under comprehensive and doesn't count against you as an accident. If you say you ran into the animal some companies classify it as a collision and it counts against you.
  19. I think all insurance companies use aftermarket parts now and progressive will warranty all repairs as long as you own the vehicle as long as you use their shops. Just make sure you go over the car with a fine tooth comb before you take delivery.
  20. Really??? You guys are complaining that letter carriers are over paid??? Are you really that jealous?
  21. If you want it protected from everything http://www.lifeproof.com/shop/us_en/iphone-4s-4
  22. Cortech makes some that come with knee armor
  23. Seriously I'd contact thompson cycles and see what they say this is what they do and it will be done right
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