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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Buy a how to book and save yourself some money and learn something new.
  2. I have a chain tool I could throw in a priority box if you want to use it and then just send it back. It does have one pin broke and I haven't got around to replacing it but your welcome to use it.
  3. conn-e-rot

    Smart guns?

    Smart guns don't fix stupid people
  4. You obviously have never ridden behind Holly
  5. You should see it when she stands up and shakes it.... I think several have commented that they almost fell of their bikes.
  6. I for one am just waiting for the day that Holly buys another bike.... rides are much more enjoyable riding behind her
  7. And people wonder why there is so much bullying going on in schools
  8. Those are nice my son would love to have a snake but mom says no
  9. its a french bulldog she has markings like a boston
  10. Newest four legged family member 8 month miniature english bulldog previous owner was calling him chavo but is being changed to brutus some pics of him and my frenchie playing
  11. All the dealers around me will take bikes. I think most dealers will take anything with a title.
  12. That thing looks like shit I bet my 6yr old niece could have done a better job on the leather.
  13. Wow that would let someone know they made the wrong choice
  14. what are you going to do if someone attacks you and during the attack you pull your gun but with the adrenaline flowing you forget that you are playing barney fife and don't have any bullets are you going to hope that your snap caps scare the big bad guy away? It's one thing if you want to carry it around your property unloaded to get used to it but please don't do it out in the real world.... hmmm I don't recall being comfortable carrying a loaded gun before I owned one since I got my first BB gun at 6 and a .410 at 7 but I was comfortable enough with myself before I bought a carry gun
  15. Is it too heavy to put a key ring on? Maybe just carry a house key on it or padlock key? Otherwise I would bet that a LEO would see that as a concealed weapon and might get into some hot water.
  16. Having the firing pin on an empty chamber with no external hammer does nothing except leave you with one less shot... once you pull it goes bang
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