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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I'd say I probably average 5+ pots of coffee a day wouldn't dream of giving it up
  2. Videos or it didn't happen
  3. I would think twice about contacting the school about this matter with all the zero tolerance rules that schools have now contacting them could be a very bad idea.
  4. Lots of places down there to hide a body if need be..... just saying
  5. I have some friends that still have Alltel they will be happy
  6. 1 time left for ride it was 42 by the time we got back it 30 and snowing but it hadn't started to stick to the roads yet thankfully because I was on the zx14 and I don't think it would've been much fun.
  7. I don't think it will improve at&t coverage at all just a larger customer base at&t is gsm alltel is cdma
  8. Oh and Exarch my other post I was just busting your balls...
  9. Nah if I wanted to call you a liar I would.... was just a general statement I'm sure you've seen stories posted and then people comment and post their stories then the yahoos come out with their off the wall far fetched stories about how they helped a one legged blind 93 year old widow cross a 20 lane highway to buy a can of monster
  10. ^^This.... posting these stories brings out the liars too so they can get an attaboy too
  11. The waitresses probably paid it so you would leave and they wouldn't have to hear anymore of the horseshit that was spewing from your mouth.
  12. Put them in the microwave they make pretty lights
  13. I don't think anyone buys used dvd's anymore
  14. It's not the greatest but it is something to kill the time and you get to see bikes
  15. And I thought You were to cheap to drop that much on a bike
  16. This is true.... I guess we just wait and see Hopefully enough states will say no and just put a stop to all this crap.
  17. It's all a good gesture and makes the representatives look good but the states don't have the authority.
  18. I know a guy that lives in Mentor that was looking to move I'll let him know about this
  19. conn-e-rot

    CCW Belt

    I have the wilderness frequent flyer no metal buckles to set off metal detectors.... if you order read measuring instructions http://www.thewilderness.com/index.php?p=product&id=2503&parent=142
  20. That's probably just because she really likes spaghetti and jello and he was afraid of seeing pics of her and you on here
  21. You must not have seen my later posts.... I'm with you on this I hate people lounging in the fast lanes. I do however tend to ride in the fast lane at night on the bike but move over when I see cars approaching just for avoiding the critters
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