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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Well without knowing the amount of work to be done how are we to know if this would be a fair trade?
  2. How much work are we talking ?
  3. Another thing to consider is the cheap air tools use way more air than the more expensive ones.... a good example of you get what you pay for
  4. Just because it turns an impact doesn't mean it's working at full power
  5. 3 gallon is a small compressor it'd be good for nailers and staplers or inflating tires lowest rating I find on their site on impacts is 3.9cfm @ 90psi so I'd look for a larger compressor if you want to run impacts or ratchets
  6. I highly doubt this one would run an impact very well the output is very low only 2.4cfm @ 90 psi
  7. Damn I always forget about them when I get quotes.... I will be shopping around in the spring again because I want to switch homeowners but I found out the carriers want a fence around pools now.
  8. Allstate was cheaper on bike insurance when I had my zx14 but not anymore... and when you call customer service for geico you get an american on the phone not someone from overseas.
  9. $850 a year ????? or $850 every 6 months?
  10. I pay $1800 but I have 3 cars with 100,000/300,000 and deductibles at $50/$250 and a 16 year old driver that is through geico I had allstate but when I called to add my daughter my agent said he couldn't give me a quote until she had her license which is BS since Ohio requires she has insurance before she can get a license but he said plan on it at least doubling so I switched to geico have better coverage and lower deductibles added a 3rd car and 16yr old and my insurance went up $110 a year
  11. Ouch how many cars do you have?
  12. They arrest even if the victim will not press charges. I saw a guy beating his GF in his car at sheetz and called the sheriff and blocked his car in so he couldn't leave. The girl wouldn't talk until the day they went to court I walked in to meet with the prosecutor before the hearing and she spilled her guts. The prosecutor told me she said she was terrified of him and didn't want to talk unless she knew he was going to prison and she knew I saw it all and he was going away for a long time. Turned out he was on parole from WV and had 7 or 8 years left on DV sentence and might get more added for the violation. I testified they violated him and sent him back to WV the prosecutor said they might call me in to testify again when he was released from WV because he would face charges here once released but I haven't been called yet and I never did hear how much time if any was added to his sentence for the parole violation.
  13. Ok you're right I should have stated permanent spacer
  14. here is a post I found on another site about the permit "ORC 2923.11 and ORC 2923.18 ORC 2923.11 as mentioned above describes the dangerous ordinance, specifically a firearm designed or specially adapted to fire more than thirty-one cartridges without reloading. ORC 2923.18 defines the license or temporary permit and the process to use the dangerous ordnance. This section defines the information needed on the application form. You need to state a "qualification" for the license. On my form I stated that the purpose for use of the dangerous ordinance to be for all lawful purposes. This is consistent with 2923.18, A, 5. On my form I stated that this is a permanent license. This is consistent with 2923.18, D, which states "the expiration date, if any." As noted in 2923.18, F, that the "holder of a license may use such dangerous ordnance anywhere in the state." It is my opinion, as mentioned earlier in this post, the enforcement is weak and -probably- not used as a primary offense. On the other hand, attitudes and enforcement issues can change. For $50 and piece of mind, I decided to get the license. Your thinking and mileage may vary. At one time, there was the appropriate form on the Buckeye Firearms site. I don't see it there anymore. Perhaps it got lost during a website re-design. If anyone knows anyone over at Buckeye, you could ask and share the info with us."
  15. remove the +2 and put a small spacer in it to restrict the mag to 30rnds or rumor has it you can pay $50 for permit and use mags over 31rnds
  16. Is this 1975 did I fuck up and go 88mph?
  17. Wow I hope I can still ride when I hit 80
  18. I agree the current plate is rather umm gay
  19. If you want to follow the superstition the bell is supposed to be mounted on the lowest possible point on the bike. The Legend of the Ride Bell Many years ago, on a cold December night, a crusty old biker was returning from a trip to Mexico with his saddlebags filled with toys and other assorted trinkets for the kids at a group home near where he worked. As he rode along that night thinking how lucky he had been in life, having a loving riding partner that understood his need to roam the highways and to his trusty old pan that hadn’t let him down once in the many years they had shared the road together. Well about 40 miles north of the border, in the high desert, lurked a small group of notorious little critters known as road gremlins. You know, the ones who always leave little obstacles like, one shoe, boards, and pieces of old tires on the road, and also dig those dreaded potholes for bikers to run over and crash, thus giving the road gremlins a chance to rejoice over their acts of evil. Well, as the lone wolf of a biker rounded a curve that moonlit night, the gremlins ambushed him, causing him to crash to the asphalt and skid before coming to a stop next to one of his saddlebags that had broken free. As he lay there, unable to move, the road gremlins made their way towards him. Well, this biker, not being one to give up, started throwing things at the gremlins as they approached him. Finally, with nothing else to throw but a bell, he started ringing it in hopes to scare off the dirty little gremlins. About a half a mile away, camped in the desert, were two bikers sitting around the campfire talking about their day’s ride, and the freedom of the wind blowing in their faces as they rode across this vast country. In the stillness of the night air they heard what sounded to them like church bells ringing, and upon investigating, found the old biker lying along the roadside with the gremlins about to get him. Needless to say, being part of the biker brotherhood, they preceded to ward off the gremlins until the last ran off into the night. Being grateful to the two bikers, the old road dog offered to pay them for their help, but as all true bikers do, they refused to accept any type of payment from him. Not being one to let a good deed go unnoticed, the old biker cut two pieces of leather from his saddle bags tassels and tied a bell to each one. He then placed them on each of the biker’s motorcycles, as near to the ground as possible. The tired, old road warrior then told the two travelers that with those bells placed on their bikes, they would be protected from the road gremlins and that if ever in trouble, just ring the bell and a fellow biker will come to their aid. So, whenever you see a biker with a bell, you know that he has been blessed with the most important thing in life—friendship from a fellow biker. The Purpose of the Ride Bell Many of us have heard the story about Evil Road Spirits. They are little gremlins that live on your bike. They love to ride, and they’re also responsible for most of your bike’s problems. Sometimes your turn signals refuse to work; your battery goes dead, the clutch needs adjustment, or any of several hundred things that can go wrong. These problems are caused by Evil Road Spirits. Evil Road Spirits can’t live in the presence of the bell, because they get trapped in the hollow of the bell. Among other things, their hearing is supersensitive, so the constant ringing of the bell and the confined space drives them insane. They lose their grip and eventually fall to the roadway. Have you ever wondered how potholes are formed? The bell has served its purpose. If you pick up a bell of your own, the magic will work, but if your bell is given to you, the power is doubled, and you know that somewhere you have a special friend helping to look after you. So, if you have a friend who doesn’t have a bell, why not give them one? It’s a nice feeling for the recipient to know you care. The bell, plus a good preventive maintenance program by the bikes owner, will help eliminate Evil Road Spirits. The End.
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