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Big Speazy

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Everything posted by Big Speazy

  1. BigSpeazy just added it, basically playing Halo 3 ODST, COD W.a.W. until the new modern warfare comes out. oooh and FIFA 09
  2. nice. try picking up a bigger card? Microcenter is pretty good for a cheap sd card. I got a 2 gig for like 6 bucks. Rigged my camera up on my backpack strap with some velcro and a 5$ camera case with a hole in it. since I almost always have my backp with me.
  3. the article i read then said Blount apologized afterwards, but maybe it was just to try and lessen his punishment. Here's the video, can't watch it at work, but its from espn.com
  4. ...English Mother F*cker do you speak it?!
  5. "If you really want my shirt, you can have it after the game." - Zinedine Zidane "I'd rather have your sister..." - Marco Materazzi <headbutt><chest></headbutt>
  6. ESPN MVP had an article about this. Waiting to see what kinda punishment he gets. coach isn't happy, athletic director isn't happy... pac 10 won't be happy. on a side note, see the story about the senior in hs tackling a girl carrying a handgun on their school bus? I'll try to find that one
  7. heard this on the Jason Ellis show... they spent a good hour talking about eating shit. shit bags. being a shit bag. It was a good show. haha
  8. I'm confirming a maybe still... indians game may be a possibility for monday too. as far as weekend (if its still in picture is a maybe as well.) so indecisive
  9. I think I'm free... maybe. I'll have to check.
  10. Big Speazy

    movie 112

    From the album: bike

  11. Big Speazy

    movie 109

    From the album: bike

  12. Big Speazy

    movie 107

    From the album: bike

  13. Big Speazy

    movie 105

    From the album: bike

  14. Big Speazy

    movie 103

    From the album: bike

  15. Big Speazy

    movie 102

    From the album: bike

  16. Big Speazy

    movie 100

    From the album: bike

  17. Big Speazy

    movie 112

    From the album: bike

  18. I ain't skeered. Gonna be in Cbus anyways tonight!
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