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Big Speazy

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Everything posted by Big Speazy

  1. http://www.minipocketrockets.com/r32-4-stroke-super-pocket-bike/ personally i like this, but no way i spend the cash on it.
  2. cheap ones here kosmo, these are the ones i've seen at least. http://www.minipocketrockets.com me being 6'5 though, its hard to fit on em.
  3. Wait I have seen this man before... No wonder frankie's been out a lot lately.
  4. Its more of a guideline than a rule down 'round those/these parts.
  5. Can we splurge as a group and get this man a warning shirt?
  6. I remember getting off the bike once to help push a jag out of a ditch... i did it more for the jag's sake. oh and welcome back mj, even if i'm like several days late in doing so. I failed to read majority of thread.
  7. t minus 12... 11 minutes.
  8. she was standin' behind me while i was reading earlier. Good thing it wasn't this one.
  9. we are actually... i just find time to open up o.r.
  10. Anyone see this? http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_081409NAB-squirrel-vacation-photo-TP.de835269.html?rss?npc Natures attention whore.
  11. he means that in the nicest possible way
  12. what about an o.r. foursome or a couple? we may never be allowed back on that course, but it'd be a helluva day. haha
  13. ...weird. I was just thinking, "you know I wonder how many people on here golf." I could be up for this, although I am a bit of a hacker.
  14. You know what we need... a summary page for threads, that way the lazy of us don't have to spend the time reading 10 pages of thread-age. And whatever the arguement Ross wins.
  15. Big Speazy


    it had pepperonis. I think it was a meaty one...
  16. Big Speazy


    me and a buddy gave away our leftover pizza in chicago too... normally i don't just hand anything out, but we were just there for the day, and didn't want to carry around this pizza box with 2 pieces in it.
  17. I've lost my "top infractions" stat, can you tell me where to find it? nevermind you're quick
  18. Story Odd News close to home.
  19. would like to but i gots work in the morning and then class reunion in the afternoon... and i'm nosey enough to go.
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