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Big Speazy

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Everything posted by Big Speazy

  1. Big Speazy


    I was always told not to use a template in school... mold it to fit the job you're applying for. ...and it hasn't really worked for me yet.
  2. Big Speazy


    it would be his own brewing company beer. since he'd have so much money he could buy a brewery and market his brew
  3. it is true... i should be there... in the flesh, with all the new baggage purchased for my trip.
  4. Obviously you never saw, "about last night..."
  5. ... an appointed third party administers said kicks to the junk.
  6. ... that was dad. I was like "I can call, I have his number from the earlier ride." We figured you were just hiding from the stalker in Killbuck. haha
  7. i has party. i am at a local bank, i "float" (help where they need coverage, mostly teller work) shoot me now. but they've started throwing me in the loan department on weekdays so i can get them caught up.
  8. Big Speazy


    Still not me... I've done my job well it appears
  9. i've gotta stay til 6.
  10. Big Speazy

    Ride Friday

    someone better go... you don't want to make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.. (had to)
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