It's a great bike, but the stock gearing fucking BLOWS. Hard. That motor wants to live in the 5krpm range and up, and dropping a tooth in the front and going up a couple in the back will make it seem like an entirely new (and better bike). I run 16/43, some guys like just the 16/41 combo, but definitely lose that airplane gear up'll thank me later. If you do a lot of interstate, might wanna stick to the 41 in back, but the 16/43 will make it come alive and the 6th gear be downright fun instead of useless. I love mine, it's been the best motorcycle I've ever owned and proved to be incredibly tough because I ride it like an imbecile. Another thing I'd suggest is after you break it in and are doing your first batch of maintenance, balance the secondaries when you do your throttle body sync (and extensions on the vacuum ports for further ease of access to the carbs). I've done my secondaries and two friends and they were all out from the factory. It doesn't make a monster difference, but it smoothed the motor out. I can help ya do all that when the time comes, just up the road from ya. Congrats tho, I'm jealous I'd love to have a new one.