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Everything posted by swingset

  1. Heard earlier today that the cousin/accuser was shopping her story around to different media outlets. Shades of Duke Lacrosse. I hope if GZ comes out of this, he cashes in on the defamation suits against some of the media hacks.
  2. Wow, their BRC course is a motherfucker.
  3. Reports from another source claim that he clubbed baby seals, and jerked off with the blood. Thank you reactionary media. An untainted jury is goal here.
  4. Good shoot. Let's hope the driver isn't one of those...you know....white hispanics. This could go badly for him.
  5. Sweet. They're fun little machines.
  6. You need the title in your name, then you can get the ORV sticker from the DMV. I think there might be a 96db limit, I'm not 100% sure but it's a national forest it would surprise me if there's not. I hear some loud bikes there, dunno how strict they are on that. P3 is the Dorr Run parking lot/trailhead. Quads usually congregate down there, bikes tend to ride out of New Straitsville off 595. More mud and ruts down around Dorr Run.
  7. Try this on for size... Oh, but it was a dry heat.
  8. This is a good site with info on Wayne. http://www.riderplanet-usa.com/atv/trails/info/ohio_10148/ride_27ba.htm I'd like to join you guys this weekend, but I only have Saturday free so I'll probably ride then. Have fun.
  9. Bike Doctor in Heath is where I'd take it. They do a good job, they're very inexpensive and never an attitude about cheap bikes there. Good folks, and close to you.
  10. Well, he dusted his giant blue furry head off, and got right back on it.
  11. Yes, Barbie and I had a passionate affair. But when I reached voting age, she had to go. BTW, 8 years old little George I'm very sure wasn't sexually viable. You do know that most children that age fondle and experiment right? Assuming this "abuse" actually transpired, what did it consist of? Exploration? Touching? Fisting? DP Video sessions? Yeah, little kids messing around. If it progressed from there, I'm willing to bet that the little girl indulged just the same, and once they reached pubescence, if it continued I would bet it was consentual. Do you get the feeling that the next bombshell about George is he ripped a mattress tag off and taped a football game without the express written consent of the NFL?? Wouldn't surprise me. We have someone suddenly announcing that his family didn't like black people Wow. What news. Then we get the salacious sexual abuse story on the guy...which might be true, who knows, but 8 years old? Cripes. The witch hunt is laughable at this point, and kudos to you for staying on point. You've been blind since the start.
  12. And Zimmerman's longtime black friend says he's not racist. Oh, the drama. Oh the conflicting, desperate media. The Kangaroo court is reaching bedrock now. BTW, I molested a Barbie doll when I was 8. Very similar to George I fear, but I made sure that bitch could never talk again.
  13. Well, if there's a place I find even more unspectacular than Hoggy's it's Winking Lizard. Pass.
  14. How would you know that was the cause of failure? Semi-serious question.
  15. For beginner I'd start in New Straitsville and go down the corridor. It's not as muddy, the trails have decent visibility (some hills, but nothing difficult at all) and traffic is usually less than around Dorr Run. Wayne long ago removed anything technical. The only obstacles that will screw up a rider now are mudholes or ruts.
  16. He probably hit the support from the side. Had a deer hit mine once and it shattered the window similar to that.
  17. http://www.newarkadvocate.com/article/20120713/NEWS01/120713008/Motorcyclist-dies-after-Ohio-37-crash?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|Frontpage
  18. Thank god for racist latin countries that only put the hottest, whitest chicks on TV and don't show the 4'3" chubby ones. They ship them all up here to work in Chipotle. I think we should get in on that action...let's ship off our ugly inner city creatures down to Mexico, and put more sweet ass on TV.
  19. Cruisers are the most popular bike style sold. So much for popularity and the right tool for the job. The KLR is popular because it's cheap. It has some good attributes, and some bad ones, but it would be the rarest bike on the road if it costs what an XRL did.
  20. Yup. Rash sucks. I'm healing from some on my side and arm from a mountain bike wreck - caused by tree bark no less, but it's just as painful.
  21. I love the "I've been doing this for XX years" rationale that nogatt guys lay on you. As if how long you've been living without a fire extinguisher has jack shit to do with what will happen when there's a fire...or could possibly negate the need for it. Delusional people, who have built a wall of flimsy excuses for their fashion choices.
  22. A good bit lighter than the KLR, less gremlins, more power, better dirt manners. The XRL is the most dirt-oriented of the three (and the lightest), the DR in the middle, and the KLR is the most street friendly. The DR is the best "do all" bike of the big bore Jap bikes IMO (which is shared by a lot of people who know all three).
  23. Then why argue so hard if that's the case? I only object to people who do slow down traffic when they have a choice, so if you're not that guy why do you fight as if you are?
  24. I'm not opposed to riding, hell I did 20 miles of intervals this morning, what I'm opposed to is people riding believing they are on equal footing with cars - and I see that a lot around me (Granville is a big destination for group rides). Riding 2-abreast holding up lines of traffic, not obeying laws, riding out in the opposing lanes (I see that a lot, on big groups). Yes, bikes are vehicles. Never argued otherwise but having the legal authority to do something is different than the douchiness to do it so that you're obnoxious and an impediment to everyone else. Is this all of the riders I see? No, a good portion are regular folks enjoying themselves and don't make themselves into a roadblock but the sense of entitlement is pretty hard to miss and these are recreational rides mind you - no one I see is commuting on a $5000 carbon tri bike on the county roads with 25 of their friends in matching jerseys. What's worse is Licking & Franklin counties have oodles of well-kept, extensive bike paths. They go all over the place, I know I ride them. The roadies won't use them, they'd rather ride on the road that parallels it and contend with traffic than use a bike lane. Tell me that's not about being seen and standing in someone's way. "Oooh, but on the path there are dogs and toddlers". Uh huh, which would you rather get hit by, a dog or a gas truck? It's all about safety I'm sure. BTW, I ride paths all week long, at speed, and I've NEVER had a problem with pedestrians or dogs or anything else. I'm all about the fitness and enjoyment of riding....I love it. I don't love the idea that the roads belong to bikes. They don't. Not even close.
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