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Everything posted by swingset

  1. Is it an assault penis? High-capacity, with a pistol grip, and black?
  2. Oreilly has always been against "assault rifles". Nothing new there, he's a twat.
  3. I was actually kind of hoping he'd take the bait and start parroting Feinstein and Schumer on this....it's a tragedy, he's a liberal, it was fait accompli. This is just the kind of political suicide I was hoping for. Keep talking Barry.
  4. At least he's had a real job at some point in his life.
  5. Bummer, and a new bike to taunt you while you heal, too. Brutal. Well, take care of yourself and don't push healing!
  6. He bought a ticket and walked sat down with the rest of the crowd - then went out the back door to arm himself and came back in. He saw the sticker, but probably was too focused on murdering everyone to contemplate the severe wrist-slapping he would receive for carrying a gun into a theater. Maybe we need laws banning Heat Miser hair? If we keep throwing enough laws out there, liberals will feel safe.
  7. Every time I go I enjoy myself, but every time I ride and think "this would be fucking awesome if it was 1-way". And, there's no reason whatsoever - NONE - that the network should be laid out bi-directional. There's room for it, there's incentive (safety and more traffic, which is more $$), and the trails can be improved if they're built for 1-way travel that's more sustainable and more fun. Allegheny NF is one-way trails, and it's a completely different experience to ride without fearing that every turn could end in you facing a UTV with a drunk fat guy barreling at you. Hell, that's even dangerous for the UTV. I will never understand the motivation to keep it 2-way trails.
  8. No skill? No effort? Let me assure you, shooting someone in a dynamic life or death situation is fucking hard. Your vision narrows, your fine motor skills go to hell, and no one stands still like a cardboard target. Just for clarity - there are videos and accounts out there of gun fights at just a couple paces, involving trained LE and hardened criminals where shots go all over and no one is hit (the Kehoe stop video springs to mind). You flap your gums like you have some wellspring of experience in these topics (which really are your creative ways of saying guns are icky), but every time I read your blathering it's the posturing of an ignorant kid who thinks too much of his own opinion. If you ever meet your untimely demise at the hands of a crazy, violent person, may it require a lot of work and focus on their part....like a claw hammer to the cranium...I would hope your last thought would be "thank god he didn't shoot me with a clumsy blaster". Ok, Obi Wan. Fucking retard.
  9. Not if what I posted earlier is true, and so far there's no confirmation at all to counter it. Holmes was not wearing body armor, just a nylon tac. vest. A torso shot would have been perfectly sufficient. His helmet wasn't rated for ballistic protection either, IIRC.
  10. This thread is now dildos. BTW, the Murderous Heat Miser wasn't wearing body armor (just a nylon "assault vest") unless the company that sold it to him is lying, but I haven't heard anything since the initial reports that contradict that the vest was not armored. He was as vulnerable to bullets as his victims were.
  11. I rode through about 3 oclock...on a KDX200. Pokey was on a WRR but he didn't go through the camp (we got separated coming back up the corridor).
  12. Me and Pokey were there Saturday on our bikes. I rode through Begleys on my way out.
  13. There's a machine shop we use at work that has those posted. I've seen them at a lawyer's office in New Mexico too.
  14. You make a great case for not getting sucked into a contract. When Apple can make a phone with a micro SD slot, micro-USB mass storage capability, and a battery that doesn't require tools, I'll consider them something other than a fashion accessory. All of those things make a phone something very fun to own...and a bitch when they don't. I can dual-boot my phone with CM8, 7, or the OEM software. I can easily transfer files, or back up the phone, or load things without tethering to the phone. I can swap fresh batteries in, which means I can use my phone for a REAL gps in the back country, and I can charge it with a ubiquitous charger. Fuck Apple's draconian proprietary and limited-featured devices.
  15. Liberals engage in phony, histrionic outrage!?!?!? That's new.
  16. And, just for fun let's look at how many defensive gun uses there were in the same time period. Most don't even generate a statistic (such as scaring someone off with a gun), but for the sake of argument the known statistics (Gary Kleck is a researcher who studied this) was in the millions. Even if his numbers are completely optimistic, many many more people use guns to protect themselves than ever die by them. Overwhelmingly so, even if the number is bloated (and I think it's not). Also, consider that the overwhelming majority of murders in the US are gang & drug related, and the victims too. Factor those out, and our murder rates are right there with most industrialized western Europe. But, all of that is semantics because we have a right to bear arms - most of those countries do not, and we're about individual freedoms not collective ones. I still have the right to defend myself from being a victim, even if there are 1,000,000 murders a year in the US. Likewise, if I'm one of the dozens killed in Spain by a gun, or a knife, or fists, what's really important is I'm just as dead but never lived under the freedom of having the tools to do something about it. That's America, and it beats the fuck out of Europe. Oh, and for bonus points how many guns were used by Timothy McVeigh to kill 162 people? How many were used during 9/11? How many at the Bath School massacre in Michigan in 1927? Guns ain't the problem. They never were.
  17. Yeah, but we're not into the dudes.
  18. Shocking, the French surrender.
  19. SOLD. Bought this last year, love it big time but it has one flaw which is the neck is a little snug on me, and I've been working out and that's gotten worse instead of better. Just too tight now, and I can't stand it unfastened. My loss, your gain. Jacket only has 2 rides on it, great shape and super in the heat. Fit is a 44 euro, or XL. $100 FTF in Central Ohio...or will ship for $8. IM me if you're interested.
  20. Bummer, sorry to hear that. It's heartbreaking to lose a good dog, but it sounds like you gave her a good life.
  21. You can regret the outcome of something without regretting your actions. I regret that I ran over a dog last month, it's sad, but I don't regret riding or trying to avoid it. And, this may floor you but some people who believe in God feel that his will is at play even in tragedies, and things happen for a reason that only he understands. A sand, well-adjusted person would have listened to that and figured it out, but you're eating your own turds at this point in this whole argument.
  22. I'm shooting for mid-October. Gonna try to get a decent group together and rent a cabin down there....there's one I have bookmarked that's on the trail itself.
  23. I'm going to Hatfield McCoy this fall too, but my interest is the single track.
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