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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Sorry there sir~ And that would be as long as both of us combined, you whiny bitch! Good to hear you two are still together.
  2. Write down the part #'s you need, get a hold of the nearest Suzuki dealer and have them order them for you. If your trying to save on shipping. I think I have some in a box in the garage. I'm headed to work in a couple minutes and will have to look later. If OR has something going on in the next month or so I could bring them. I'm not coming to Columbus though. That ride has to be almost as boring as going west of Cleveland.
  3. It works. Here's some help from SVR on the subject. http://forum.svrider.com/showthread.php?t=30707 You can also talk to Zach. He's been around Sv's a lot longer than I have and might know what works best on a 1 gen. I installed a Zx10 on a 1 gen and had to do some modding to the battery box and rear fender to make it fit right because of the reservoir .
  4. Very nice although something tells me your going to make it white before we know it.
  5. I've tried to convince her to at least take a MSF class but she has no interest. I guess I'll look at the good side of it. Riding is my "man time" away with me, myself and my bike. At least she isn't beating me at my own game.
  6. http://www.nflshop.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3977027&cp=2237698.3526862&page=2&page_bucket=0&PAGES_PER_BUCKET=10&pageType=family&pageType=family&num_buckets=1&pageNum=1&pageDisplay=superfamily&totalProductsCount=55&hasPagination=false&pageBucket=0&int_prevBucket=-1&PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE=9&showSizeSearch=false&int_nextBucket=0&pageCount=7&parentPage=family
  7. Plus she only rides maybe 5 times a year. I can't even imagine the complaining on a trip like this.
  8. If I'm going solo that's perfectly fine. I'm hoping to make a Gap trip this year and my wife wants to come. So if it does happen I'm gonna need the back seat. Although I should make her just take the car.
  9. Well get to work man! The greatest thing about the SV is the aftermarket is deep and the bike is cheap to maintain so it opens up more cash for gas and mods.
  10. Yeah I bought some silver steaks and sold them the same day. The Areostich ones you mention sure are different. For $187 I doubt I'll give them a shot. I'm just gonna get something to haul rain gear and extra underwear for weekend trips.
  11. Well alrighty then. Join the club. Sometimes I dislike myself. Very nice! You had a hell of a touring setup on there. I've tried a couple diffent saddle bags and never found ones I could be that happy with. I'm gonna try the Cortech smaller bags this year if the ones a friend of mine has don't fit quite right. I should just bite the bullet and do a hard bag setup and be done with it. What did you have on there and was there any two up possibilities with what you had?
  12. Did the OR member buy the Kat? Same guy that committed to buy it last year.
  13. That's what I think I'm gonna try out this time around. Heard many good things about the PR2.
  14. I hear many guys are getting around $300 for the stock forks. So you can recoup quite a bit of money if you do decide to do it. I think the emulators, oil and springs ran me just under $300. You probably already know the cost though
  15. Thanks IP Damn Hoblick! Should be like riding a brand new bike.
  16. Suspension imo is crucial!
  17. Hey ya'll. So this winter I have been pretty busy getting some maintenance done I've been postponing for a while. Did a valve adjustment on 4 buckets, TB sync, Gps, brakes and some other miscellaneous cosmetic stuff. This week should have a new front tire and it's time to ride. Give me your opinions on the changes. Tell me what you have been doing with your bikes. I have pics all over the place from the before and all that matters now is the after. Here's a couple I uploaded into a album from when I finished up yesterday. http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=901 See everyone on the road
  18. Lost1888

    103 4900 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

  19. Lost1888

    103 4901 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

  20. Lost1888

    103 4902 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

  21. Lost1888

    103 4904 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

  22. Lost1888

    103 4906 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

  23. Lost1888

    103 4907 (2)

    From the album: Sv 2010

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