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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. That touches my emotions and my feeling are your a good candidate for President. Why don't you start there and if you get enough Tv time your celebrity will carry you through. While your doing that I must have that big screen Tv to watch you and mobile internet access to blog about you. All the while I'm buying lottery tickets, going out to eat every night, just trying to keep up with the Jone's. It "feels" so good to have it all and not be able to pay for it.
  2. Because we are in the age of act on your emotions. If you "feel" you need it, get it. If you "feel" it's right, it's right. Don't look at history. Or if you do just look at what proves what you want to believe. It's what got us in this mess were all in. It can't be blamed on any one person or group. From what I see it can be blamed on peoples "feelings" and how they acted on those emotions. I mean this on so many levels I'm not going to get into the specifics because I'll be writing a damn book. Basically "feelings" and emotions are not rational or logical. Just because there "yours" doesn't mean they are concrete and uncorrupted. This opinion is not intended at anyone particular, It's the nation as a whole or should I say majority.
  3. Welcome to the site. It would be nice if you can make it for the ride.
  4. I'll have my camera and two batteries like always. I'm sure others will also.
  5. Yeah it's mostly just a stop on the way to the reception. Sure you can walk around but honestly the fam and I go hiking there and the woods isn't very exciting.
  6. The other thing I hoping is there isn't a wedding going on at Squire's Castle. It would be nice for those who have never been there to get to walk around and get some pictures of the inside.
  7. Svrider like usual hasn't amounted to any attention. Ride Ohio, two of the guys I know don't carry and the one I'll let him know. Thanks
  8. BTW this morning around 2:00 I watched a documentary on PBS about the Cuyahoga National Park. It was interesting and made me a little more anxious about Saturday.
  9. Voting yes and wanting to play some Hold em' !!!!
  10. I would guess no less than 8 hours, if we stay at each stop for around a half hour. But don't quote me on it. I'm terrible at judging time on any ride. I am figuring all day. You could always leave when you need to or catch up along the way. Anybody who wants my # PM me and get it.
  11. We will be on the same road after Paine Falls. No Oh shit moments this time. I haven't ridden like that since. It slowed me down for sure. That could have been disastrous!
  12. Sell you plasma and sperm to the highest bidder. Seriously, winters coming, maybe shovel sidewalks and cleanup leaves. Cash money, no taxes.
  13. SHHHHHHHHH! I'm trying to tell myself to relax.
  14. You are absolutely correct and I have the owners card pinned to my cork board. Didn't think anyone would actually come this far north:confused:
  15. If there was someone who know the area and the route as well as I do I would make 2 groups. With the number of bikes and nobody I'm really sure knows the route that I have planned, I think it would be best to have a relaxed ride. We will talk things over at the Ledges. I just don't want anyone to get there hopes up. I've never led a group this large so I am going to be cautious. Staying in the group should be easy enough because I'm avoiding most of the main roads and keeping to the back country roads. Some main roads will have to be ridden but I always keep them to a minimum. Just like freeways, I tend to avoid them. There are some places, like where I had my wife take the pic of me on Chagrin River rd, that some good action shots can be had. We'll talk that over also. Also the first road heading east, Rapids Rd., has some nice sweepers to get some pics of the riders. We'll figure something out. I just don't want to dissapoint anyone taking to long, or not making all the sights.
  16. This is the kit I have been running since I put it on this winter. So far 13K or so miles on it and haven't had to adjust anything since install. The sprockets are Pit Bull.
  17. Lost1888


    ESPN does but I didn't read Saturday for some reason. OOps My bad.
  18. Lost1888


    What ever players I have playing on my Fantasy team.
  19. Be prepared for shrinkage. You wouldn't want the to get the wrong idea.
  20. I can vouch it happens. Some winters more than others. When I was plowing it was about the only time I got any decent sleep plowing in the sow belt.
  21. No accusations intended with my post. Just thinking the more bikes (which is no problem) the more responsibility I feel I assume for the other riders. It's going to be a nice ride!
  22. It's fine with me. Just want to reiterate that some of these roads are very residential and speeds will be kept at or around posted limits. We will have a little riders meeting before we head out. Point being is if anyone plans on a road race it's not going to happen! Not that anyone expect to. Just want to make thing s clear. So far what I've seen for weather is 20% chance of rain and 54 degrees. So everybody dress warm and don't be surprised if the forecast changes. We do live in Ohio and the day of is when we will really know what it's going to be like.
  23. I was just thinking reading Jbot's thread how cool it would be to have a dual sport for these rides I take into Pa. With public trails and a permit riding over there could be that much more fun. Do it! You have a blast. I miss my 400ex and Tw200. Someday there replacement is going to be a dual sport.
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