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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. And that's the facts! There is also a Puig. One of these days I'm going to get one- http://www.compacc.com/p/Puig-Tire-Huggers-Suzuki/1309007/0
  2. I've been very pleased with these gloves.
  3. If I have choices, Shell Because I like the Many times it's Speedway because it's right down the street from my house. Rarely if ever do I put in BP just because I don't like BP and never have. Can't tell you why just always have. But many times when I'm out riding I end up in BFE and get whatever gas is there when I need it. I also avoid any gas stations that are getting filled. Every so often I'll run some Seafoam threw it but that's not often. 87 octane is all the Sv calls for and with no pinging and no issues ever I'll stick with it.
  4. Lost1888

    Ride Tomorro

    Sorry I missed the ride. I did end up meeting Neo later today riding around for a while. Heard good things about the ride. Maybe next time. Since I'm going to 3rd. shift starting Sunday morning rides will be out but maybe I can catch up later in the day. Keep up the activity Neoers!
  5. I don't bother because I have nothing to hide. And if someone wants to know something all they have to do is ask. They'll find out more about me from my name and the right county vs. my plate #. If they want to use my bike for a CL scam or call it theirs (not likely since it's a dike bike) so be it. What am I going to do? Not a damn thing. Plus I don't like to use photo shop.
  6. I most likely won't be able to make this ride after all. Sounds like I'm going to Kinzua with a couple guys I ride with on my long rides this weekend. This will be my first ride with them this year and can't miss it. Then the 24th is plugged. So the 17th weekend will be my off weekend just to ride around home and spend time with the family. Like I should do.
  7. That's cool with me. I work from 5 pm till around 1-2 am. So afternoon evening rides are out. Weekend and to work is all I can get in this year. I'm very familiar with the area too almost a pathetic way. I shoot you a pm with my #. If you txt text me when ever your out or ready to go out on weekends.

  8. These are the kind of rides that I like to slab it down, ride around there, eat and ride back roads home. It has always turned into a all day 12+ hr. event. Conn-e-rot ninja could tell you all about it. But if that's what you all want to do let's give it a shot. Once I'm riding time tends to mean very little to me.
  9. Cleaned my bike, rode to get a coffee, stopped at a friends house, came home and lubed my chain. Ready for the work week sitting here wasting time
  10. Hopefully the 17th. will work. One thing about me is I will have times I can't make it. So this really is going have to be a group effort kind of thing. I know the April 24th. I'm going to Backlick, for a Ride Ohio ride to eat.
  11. I plan on doing rides like the S.Ohio, Wv, Pa, N.Y. other weekends in the month. I don't know how people ride but I have one week a month I ride a long 500 something mile in a day ride with a couple guys. I do plan on doing a Kinzua ride again. But I'm going to wait for the weather to flatten out so I know for sure it will be dry. Then the other 3 weekends a month I just do a couple hour ride around the n.e. Cleveland area. This in my mind is to have some riders to do it with instead of doing it alone. My wife and I work opposite shifts and only see each other maybe a 1/2 hr a day. Same with the kids. So every weekend I find somewhere to go and spend the rest of my time with them. If we could expand this to the west side some and get more people involved it would be cool. I personally prefer to ride hard either alone or with a select few people that I'm very comfortable with. So these rides will be about the same or better as the group gets comfortable with each other.. Maybe more groups??? Who knows. I've always been anti social so this will be a new thing for me. But the group was cool and I for one wouldn't mind spending a couple hours with the group once a month on a Saturday. Other wise I'll be doing it alone. These are some of the places I like to go to. Sometimes late day/ night ride or in the afternoon. Like Geneva (Eddie's), Middlefield (Mary Yoders), Garretsville, Hudson, Aurora, Chagrin Fall's. I can make a 100+ mile loop just going from Mentor to Chagrin Falls and back. I do it every time I go get a coffee. I was thinking a 4-6 hr for these day rides. What would be really cool- People get involved in this and look for places around there area and leading group through some of there favorite places to a place they know has good food. Then back to where we started from or somewhere different.
  12. Let it rest. None of this is worth it. Dude you're a waste of time. So whens the next one? I was thinking maybe a monthly ride to eat. Just something where we ride 100 miles radius around Cleveland, for a couple hours with some where to go? I could name all kind of places to stop at.
  13. Too much to comment on. Looks like a great time
  14. Welcome. Pics of your bike?
  15. Sush you! I'll keep my roads to myself and some others. They know who they are. Not that there great or anything but in my humble little world there mine. Mostly because everyone I talk to says there's no where to ride around here. If they say that it's a lie. There's places to ride but there are also better places to ride. I just try to make the best out of what I have in front of me. Like my dike bike and sissy roads. (I was told it like 5 times in 5 minutes today so it kind of stuck. Sorry if it's getting old.) I've only been riding road for going on my 4th. year. No very long and have a hell of a lot to learn. Although I do seem to know every pot hole and tar snake in and around the area I ride. I've never been the nerd but sure do like to study the road surface of where I like to ride.
  16. After these we got seperated due to my uncontrollable need to go fast. Sorry everyone. I felt like crap. Wasn't a big deal I know but it was my fault and I apoligize. Anyways last two just because I took them. On the way home- So when the next ride?
  17. On to the pictures. These are some of the best. There's more here- http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=944 This is the North-easterners meet up in Mayfield for our little ride down rt. 174 and the parks to Qsl. Then we all met up at Qsl. I think there were 25 bikes. Some didn't go on the ride. Some did for a short time. There is also some of everyone's bike in the album link above. Then the train stop Get on the bike Koz! Move it or loose it! Then for a break in Peninsula.
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