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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. My gps has had the most impact. Mp3 along with the home button. Go anywhere hearing what I want.
  2. It's going to be a haul but this way down seems most logical to me. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Auburn+Rd&daddr=41.4805233,-81.23497+to:Bass+Lake+Rd+to:41.26583,-81.231+to:40.99334,-81.24925+to:40.7998,-81.28105+to:40.7313572,-81.4174467+to:Bolivar,+OH+44612&hl=en&ll=40.726966,-81.265869&spn=0.320019,0.523224&sll=40.687147,-81.346207&sspn=0.160106,0.261612&geocode=FYbHewIdPEwo-w%3BFUvxeAId5nMo-ykf9cY3OQwxiDG1Iz2mVGHhzQ%3BFYHdeAIdNroo-w%3BFaaqdQIdaIMo-ymlC2Rf9RUxiDG7_Yb3YLnTGQ%3BFTyCcQIdHjwo-yk1ZUHYeDQxiDFJmmZY9qG6LA%3BFTiObgId5r8n-ymjVkrCbs82iDHUHF88mqGdKA%3BFd2CbQIdGqsl-ynptL5E5ds2iDGRK7Jc3ZYJ2w%3BFU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ&vpsrc=6&mra=dvme&mrsp=6&sz=12&via=1,3,4,5,6&t=m&z=11 And probably just about the same way back.
  3. Still planning on it. Tire should be on by Tuesday. So, as long as it's not raining and cold I'll be there. I would prefer rt. 44 then some type of cross over. I'll try to map something up and see how long it could take. It's going to be a cold start, I have a feeling.
  4. You know they make heated grips, gloves and stuff? I wear leathers all the time and layer up and it seems to work fine for me.
  5. Shit the best riding is still ahead of us. As long as these weather patterns straighten up. I love Autumn! Wish I were closer, but I'm not.
  6. You might as well just move down there if that's the case.
  7. Well Bad, you find a good spot yet? I want to find a place that gives a good city skyline shot. Anybody?
  8. I wouldn't pay what he wants for it but here is a local sv I saw for sale recently. http://forum.svrider.com/showthread.php?t=148817 This one is a better deal imo http://forum.svrider.com/showthread.php?t=148720
  9. Survey Says? I know it isn't done yet. Had to do it. Bored!
  10. I'm at home sick going through pb and was reminded of this thread from a couple years ago. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=29045
  11. I always have my camera with me and yes I take a lot of pictures. Honestly I don't know what I'm doing though. Riding along see a stop for a picture many times I'll take it. Lately though, it hasn't been the case. I've maybe taken 100 pic total this season. The last couple years I'd take 100 in a day. Either way if I'm on the bike the camera is right there waiting to be used.
  12. I know, I know. Back to I'd love to go for a ride. But the idea of barfing in my helmet doesn't make me very motivated.
  13. Whatever floats your boat. I'm still freaking sick and crabby as hell.
  14. And this is why I don't setup rides anymore. Way to complicated and unorganized. Pick a day, if your "goal" number of riders don't show up, do it again and maybe more will come. You will NEVER be able to make everyone happy. Just do it.
  15. I remember 4 years ago when I was told I would get bored of the little 650. How they were wrong. Only you will know what you truly want. Imo, since I haven't ridden either of the two bikes in question and never really considered them for myself, I would go with the 650 because it looks and sounds like a better touring bike than the 500. I could be wrong... But I see longer 500+ mile day on the 650 vs. the 500. good luck on your search for the perfect bike.
  16. Nothing like waking up at the butt crack of dawn and hopping on the slab. The idea makes me want to puke. But then again what other options do we have. 44 south for 2 hours= just as boring as the slab.
  17. Maybe I'll take the rim off tonight, drop it off at Shade Tree tomorrow and have fresh rubber Saturday, scrub it in some next week and be ready for the weekend. Or not, since I haven't been motivated to do much of anything these days.
  18. If I get my new tire taken care of before the date proposed.
  19. !Edit! Forget the map. It's no good. I'll have to make one from my PC and maybe it will work. I don't have this whole laptop thing down all that well. Just a idea.. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&doflg=ptm&ie=UTF8&ll=41.5497,-81.180725&spn=1.013337,2.705383&t=h&z=9&vpsrc=0&msid=207835182952851637744.0004ac608e63c3a5781f7 I don't know where all the covered bridges are but here is an idea. Only about 100 miles (basically a warm up). Tons of stuff could be added like Squires Castle, other bridges (Windsor for sure, then it would make the most sense to skip Paine Falls and maybe add Nelson Ledges instead.) and Maybe run into Middletucky and stop by Shade Tree, Just for Fun or eat at Mary Yoders. Either way this basic route is something I do regularly, except the Bula part. The roads are as good as it gets for the area. Especially going across the whole region, for the most part. Or not.
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