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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Lost1888


    Welcome to OR. I don't have a comment on the bike. There's something out there for everyone. Have fun looking for your new therapy partner.
  2. Welcome gsjack. Would you happen to make frequent rides into Willoughby and Chagrin on your black GS. If so we've spoken a couple times.
  3. Lost1888


    One of those character defining moments in life.
  4. Lost1888


    I understand. I've seen it myself. In fact in high school I watch a Harley rider die after he had his skull was smashed from a car that ran into him. I stopped got out of the car used spare clothes I had and tried to help stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. Wasn't pretty. But I can't just pass by if I can help. It's not in my nature. Most of the time I ride alone anyways. So it's not really an issue unless I do a group ride.
  5. Lost1888


    Maybe it's because I was a landscaper for 15 years but it's not really that hot. I always wear my 2 piece leathers, helmet, gauntlet gloves, and boots. Under this I wear Under armor shirt, under a t shirt, and A* underwear. Plus I never just ride to the store. If I ride to work it's 100 miles round trip, if I go get coffee, it's a minimum of 80 miles if I'm in a rush. I don't really care what other people wear. I'll even ride with them when their not wearing a helmet. It's their choice. If they ask my opinion they'll get it. Outside of that they're adults and can make their own decisions. Now the squid thing. Others have said it better. I believe a squid is a rider with little to loose, rides carelessly and end the end result can't be anything but disaster. Some of them seem to never have that diaster I expect them to have. More power to them. Not the risk I'm willing to take. Seems most of the time these people don't ride with gear outside of a helmet. Not always though. There are always those cases. Once someone has proven they're a squid I will never ride with them again. Simple as that.
  6. I'm going to meet up with a buddy in Painesville at 6:30 and ride down after that. You all have fun now.
  7. I won't be there till later. Might be able to make it by 6:30 at best.
  8. Depending on when I get out of work I might come stop by. A ride thru the parks could be a nice thing to clear my mind.
  9. Oh my, I will make sure I stay clear of 306 on that day. I'm sure the local squids would love to help out.
  10. I've been real happy with my Scorpions (700 & 1000). Imo AfX is garbage. First helmet was a afx 30 and didn't even make it a season. GARBAGE! Noisy, bad construction- plastic vents fell right off.
  11. No it's potato,potato, potato...... pop,pop,pop. Come on man!
  12. Next picture better have that bike dirty! Honestly all the Wee's I've seen have looked like they have been through the ringer. It's a good thing! Enjoy the new ride!
  13. Heh burn bridges.... There are some crazy, crazy bastids on here. Sometimes it's just so damn scary, I don't know what to do.
  14. Youza smart one! I agree completely! rep for u.
  15. A pos 98 Subaru Legacy L wagon. Great in the snow and certainly not a eye catcher.
  16. I couldn't be happier with my CRG's. One of the best things I did to my bike. Over time you get accustomed to the mirrors and never think about looking down or how small things are behind you. Vibrations have never been an issue even with my twin. This is where I bought mine 3 years ago. http://www.solomotoparts.com/home.php?cat=455&sort=title&sort_direction=0&&sort=&sort_direction=0
  17. No go for me. Maybe the weekend after next.
  18. Huh, another northerner. Interesting..... Welcome to OR!
  19. Meet at Squires, rode Chagrin River, stopped in for coffee, Went out to Rapids, meandered past Chardon, Woodin to can't remember the name to 608, over to Girdled, Cascade, up Williams, along Carter, to good old Paine Falls, where the picture was taken. Then civil broke off and went home and I did two loops down Riverview heading east outside Painesville/Madison to 528 then Ford rd back to Paine rd. Yup.
  20. Good ride yesterday Civil rider. Here's the one picture I took.
  21. Do it IP. Looks like the work for me is not happening. So, time to get things moving on the ride part of the day.
  22. I have some work to do this morning. Might be out around 1-2 but don't plan on riding cvnp. Most likely going east some because I've been to cvnp the last two good riding days.
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