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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Welcome. I'm from the Cleveland area. I don't ride in Shaker though:rolleyes:
  2. I'm going to be staying up north this weekend. Have fun guys and ride safe.
  3. Yeah, Yeah use a little spit and stick it in the hole!
  4. Did you screw in the screws to use them for leverage? Just make sure you don't start to compress the bushing or you will have more trouble than you are already.
  5. Thanks! I special ordered it from New Enough. I think they have they on Ebay now. It's a Puig.

  6. I will be heading out some tome after 2pm. today. I plan on riding the route I posted earlier. Seems like we are going to get some rain the next couple day so I'm going to take advantage of the nice weather today. Anyone want to meet up let it be known.
  7. This is my typical loop in a nut shell. I grew up in this area and have landscaped around here for 15 years. There really isn't a road I don't know! Depending on the day I will make it longer or shorter. Sometimes it goes out towards Leroy and Painsville twsp. or Burton, Middlefield. All depends on what I want to do that day. There are some places you need to lay back and enjoy the ride at the speed limit other places you can pick up the pace a little. Either way it's a nice ride to do after work or just when you want to get out for a little while. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Lost+Nation+Rd&daddr=Johnnycake+Ridge+Rd%2FOH-84+to:Smith+Rd+to:Worrell+Rd+to:Chagrin+River+Rd%2FOH-174+to:Miles+Rd+to:N+Main+St%2FPenton+Rd+to:Walters+Rd+to:Music+St+to:Munn+Rd+to:Bell+Rd+to:OH-44%2FRavenna+Rd+to:Bass+Lake+Rd+to:Pekin+Rd+to:Auburn+Rd+to:Cedar+Rd+to:Butternut+Rd+to:Fowlers+Mill+Rd+to:Mulberry+Rd+to:Sperry+Rd+to:Heath+Rd+to:Kirtland+Chardon+Rd+to:Baldwin+Rd+to:Metcalf+Rd+to:41.618988,-81.394508&geocode=FViNewIdKN4l-w%3BFfNeewIdPxQm-w%3BFewMewIdGgEm-w%3BFRyLegIdtBEm-w%3BFTdMegIdFqsl-w%3BFeATeAIdJKgl-w%3BFZwxeAIdMA4m-w%3BFdYzeAIdz0cm-w%3BFUJleAId_pQm-w%3BFV1seAIdvt4n-w%3BFTo3eAIdyOUn-w%3BFcA6eAId9doo-w%3BFQHMeAIddwYp-w%3BFcTxeAIdyLEo-w%3BFev0eAId8FAo-w%3BFS49eQIdKUso-w%3BFcaIeQIdNf0n-w%3BFdgSegIdbx8o-w%3BFag7egId8yQo-w%3BFdczegIdV0on-w%3BFcNnegIdKGon-w%3BFTC1egIdEoEn-w%3BFdZJewIdqicn-w%3BFcrgegIdqWEm-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=23&mrsp=24&sz=16&sll=41.616068,-81.389036&sspn=0.008438,0.015342&ie=UTF8&ll=41.553811,-81.298141&spn=0.27028,0.490952&t=h&z=11
  8. I was out that way today. I have a regular 100 mile loop I ride in the evenings when I have just about an hour or 2 to get in a quicky. I would think the best thing to do would be exchange numbers and call or text each other when we want to ride. Like I said I ma out almost everyday weather permitting for an hour or 2 at least. Pm me if you all want to exchange #'s.
  9. I am in weather permitted and couple other things have to happen first. Hell I'm out right now.
  10. +1 How big of a hurry can you really be in to clean a chain. Some people are so ignorant!
  11. Good choice in pipe! If my bike didn't come with a Yosh I would have went with the Holeshot. Great looking pipe.
  12. Still cheaper than a $5 whore and less chance of catching a STD. Good luck explaining that to your celly! Dumbass!
  13. Let the bastard walk past you as you are crouched down and take a throwing knife ( I know you all keep these under your pillow like me) slash the back of his leg as he walks past to get his attention. Either stab him in the kidney and cut his throat! Kick him in the face when he's down. Then call the kids and the wife out. Tell the boys to piss on him and the wife and daughter to kick him in the nuts. Then tell him sorry buddy you just picked the wrong house. Ah I'm just kidding. Well not about the knives. I have 2 dogs that won't think twice about tearing anyone's ass up that comes in uninvited. Shit my neighbors of 4 years still can't walk in with out someone making it know it is OK. Seriously though. The government has been taking away our rights for a long time. Somethings might be minor and no one notices. Somethings are more of an issue. I wish it would all be an issue. Like I tell my kids all the time "If I can't trust you with the little things I will never trust you with the important things." I don't trust the government never have never will. Now more than ever! That's my $.02
  14. Welcome and nice bike! Looks very clean. Enjoy the ride!
  15. QFT You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Isaac's Papa again.
  16. 1098. But it it was my decision I wouldn't do either!
  17. Sounds to me like I wouldn't want them working on my bike. Good luck getting it right. It's time to ride.
  18. Your shop I hope. Looks good though. Get an eliminator on there and ride it.
  19. Oh jeez I better start selling more sperm and plasma. So maybe 10 years from now when my cock is worn out and my bloods like water.
  20. Make one yourself. It can't be that difficult. This one looks nice- Or First one I looked at when I googled. I wouldn't pay what they want for them though!! http://www.hardracing.com/06%20Bikes/06%20R6.htm
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