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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Hopefully the bridge is still good :) Its on the far east side near the water. NW of Detour and SE of Sault St Marie... its like a 20 minute drive from detour.

    Raber Bay area? Mom lives on Neebish Island, about 20 miles SE of the Soo. I've been going up there since I was 6. My parents retired up there 16 years ago.

  2. :lol:

    Sadly, I think that's a little bit of a last minute decision for me. My family has a farm about 100 miles north of here and that is a possibility. The next and more favorable option would be a family property in the UP (VERY remote, lots of wildlife in the back yard, fishing hole down the road, close to canada eh). But ultimately, you have to decide if you would either try to hold up in the house till things calm down, or get the out of the city entirely. It just depends on what is going on. Is it rioting? Is it flooding/tornado/other natural disaster? Is it civil war? Is it an outside attack? I think a good flee plan will include a couple possible locations and room for improvising in case something goes wrong.

    My opinion is you have to think about things like how you're going to protect yourself after you leave your home (how much ammo can you really carry???). What happens if you get to your destination and its destroyed- what's your backup plan?

    Where in the UP? My mom lives about 45 minutes north of the bridge on an island. The UP has always been part of my plan is the situation would allow.

  3. Congrats on being a jealous prick.

    First off Not even close. While I am appreciative of fine things I'm not jealous in the least bit. Secondly, my applogies. Your 2 responses were worded that I took it as being yours.

  4. Ill bet you $100 the interior of your murcialago isn't any cleaner. ;)
    When your collection is big enough it is easier to just be one a dealer and move plates than register everything. So it's not for sale, however his white one is

    Hey everyone, over here. Look how small my penis is! Good for you that you have money to afford such things. Flaunting it is for tools, IMO.

  5. First of I'd kick whoever trashed the interior square in the dick and then worry about the stereo. Who buys a care like that and then doesn't care for it. Crumbs all over the console and it looks like the trim above the environmental controls is peeling off.

  6. Got it, I confused this guy with the mayor, who at the time was facing charges of something like cocaine use and possession.

    The one and only Marion Barry. He is a stellar example of how screwed up how people will believe everything in an election. Mr. Barry on top of his drug issues, has had issues with the IRS, illegally awarding contracts, etc., etc. and is still a active member of DC city council.

  7. Your welcome for the link LOL! man they sold out fast after the weekend. hey your sitting on gold with those pmags thats at least $500 worth of mags at the going price BWAHAHAHA. Looked for a xdm in 9mm nothing left besides the 3.8 was looking for the full size one.
    Oh and sprint I got mine also.


    Nice. The XD is the 3.8". I like it. I picked it up at Sportsman's Den. I ran up there to see if they might have an AR. The Sale guy i was working with said they sold 450 AR's in 5 days.

    I wish i wish i would have doubled my PMag order. It could have funded the XD. :)

  8. This should be interesting...

    National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.

    Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.

    The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.

    The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21.

  9. And what? You think that if the U.S. was in a civil war or were to be invaded that no other country would be arming us? It's nice to at least have something to start with.

    Exactly. Any major conflict had arms being supplied from outside resource(s). Not to mention the arms and supplies that would come out of bases and depots when a percentage of soldiers would refuse to fire on their friends, neighbors and family.

  10. that's because the united states is only targeting specific individuals, and specific groups... if they were actually at war with the entire population of citizens, they would just bomb the whole fuggin country, and be done with it...

    not the same

    I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work either. You can bomb a city to rubble. At some point you have to send in ground troops to clean-up. Urban warfare is ugly in small 3rd world countries let along a major urban center such as New York, L.A., Chicago, etc. , etc. , etc.

  11. First mistake, simplifying the world into 3 groups... but since that's already the framework you're using...

    Foreign invaders: Have tanks and armored cars, things that make your assault weapons a moot point. Same goes for government. Please tell me how effective your assault weapons are against a stealth bomber ...or a jet armed with missiles...

    or, sky fairy forbid, an atomic weapon.

    Until you've got THOSE kinds of resources, machine guns don't mean a fuggin thing to those types of threats. Maybe they would've back in 1859 or something, but now the only people vulnerable to assault weapons are the citizens.

    Magz, usually I let you troll away. In this case I cannot. Do some research on the Russians and Afghanistan, the Colombian's and their battle with FARC, the British and the IRA, the Russians and Chechens, the US and Afghanistan. etc., etc., etc. All are large countries who are/were fighting smaller, lesser armed groups. All have spent billions to succeed and all have failed. You can have the biggest, smartest weapons in the world at your disposal but the battle will be long, painful and bloody when you fight against a group of people fighting for their homes, families and their country.

  12. lol, nice landing. Looks ex-Navy.

    So I'm guarding an Army C-130 we landed at Subic Bay. Pilot says "watch the end of the runway". We hear a howl, and a Navy F-4B Phantom pops over the top of the mountain and roars down the side of the mountain aimed at the runway, gear up. Screams down the runway to the mountain on the other side and pulls up into an inside loop. Rolls out and dives at the other end of the runway, pulls out, snaps gear down and lands. Pulls in beside us with a full load of Sidewinders. Show off.

    This would have given me a big chub. The F4 is and will always be at the top of my list.

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