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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. It's time to pull your blinders off. First off soldiers have tortured and killed innocent civilians, not just in Iraq or Afghanistan but in most likely every long term conflict that has occurred all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It is an unfortunate side effect of a high stress environment. Secondly who gives a fuck what some flash in the pan says. We routinely do business in the billions of dollars with our enemies, who routinely say we are the devil and should pay for our actions. Look at Russia, they opposed our actions in Iraq but are on the same side with us in regards to Syria.

  2. Well then looks like I have a lot work to do before then.

    I recommend you do everything you can to become comfortable with every aspect of cornering and braking, including how to handle blind corners. Whether that is riding Hocking every chance you get in the Spring or setting up cones in an empty parking lot. I have been riding for around 10 years. This trip was like nothing i had ever seen or ridden before. I had what I would consider 1 major off road and 1 minor off road excursion due to target fixation on this years trip. None of this is meant to scare you just help you to understand what this trip is.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I guess the girlfriends schedule changed for her nclex exam so she'll be going as well. I was planning rooming with you guys because she said she wouldn't make it. Now she said she can, so well probably reserve a cabin also.

    Anyone want to share a cabin?

    Cool, my wife is still trying to determine what she wants to do.

  4. Add the list of who's going in the first post. I'm not sure who's who in cmh_sprint's cabin. Feel free to give me screennames.

    Also, Todd, I only see four cabins booked so far.

    Who's Going:

    Casper's Cabin:

    - Casper

    - Max Power

    - Marlboro Man

    - Gump

    MidgetTodd's Cabin:

    - MidgetTodd

    - Hutch

    cmh_sprint's Cabin

    - cmh_sprint (& Jill?)

    - 2talltim

    - JStump

    - TheBrown57

    Bad324's Cabin:

    - Bad324

    - MyKill

    - Isaac's Papa

    - Likwid

    replaced fake names with real ones :)

  5. This egomaniac with his Napoleonic complex must go. He has already done enough damage to the game and now this. These players know they will pay a heavy price for playing this game, they all admit it in interviews. The ironic thing it that this "idea" was proposed by Greg Schiano. The same coach who has his defensive players fire off full boreon opposing teams when they are kneeing down at the end of a half or game. I normally don't give 2 shits about what happens in sports but this is fucking ridiculous. /rant


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