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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Most of the time working from home has it's perks. But the sucky part is no matter the weather outside I have work to do. Unless there's not power or something special.

    +1. I was sorta hoping to wake up with no power and the Crackberry battery to die but no such luck.

  2. Sam & I were talkin' about this earlier, & on the way home Sunday...

    1) We forgot to get a group pic of everybody down below this year eusa_wall.gif

    2) We forgot to get a headcount. Felt like the upstairs was more crowded this year. I could literally feel the humidity in the air at one point. I'm going to try & remember/list everyone. Chime in if I forget some, & forgive me any misspellings or forgotten names... You may not have noticed, but I was a teensie bit inebriated ;)

    Sam & Jenny

    Sam & Mary

    Ben & Rachelle

    Sniper Brett +1

    Matt +Jill

    Kawi & Carrie

    Case & Annie

    Magz & Backpack

    Ben & Carie

    Midget & Jodi

    Pauly & Lyndse

    MJ & Howie

    Cheech +1

    Scott & Bratkar

    Gump & Shawn

    Jagr & Karin(sp)

    Cypress + 1

    Gen + 1

    Black Tod








    RVT Pilot





    Red headed dude(Aramith?) +1


    FTFY and would have though that this party would lead to the dream couple of Jbot and Fonzie. I guess OR really is e-Harmony.

  3. 48 hours from now I will be traveling north through Michigan on my way to 3 days of ripping across frozen lakes and rivers and blasting across snow covered fields and trails in the UP. FTMFW!!!! I got into motorcycles because I was bored in the summer.

  4. I sat on it at the show and didn't like the position. It felt like I was leaning backwards instead of upright. Now the Steetfighter on the other hand was "hot as hell" and I do want!!!!

  5. Yeah, you're right... I'd rather lose this Super Bowl so we can make the playoffs again next year

    They sacrifices that have to be made to be one of the best teams in the history of the league. I don't know how mike gets those guys out of the locker room every day. :)

  6. This is just the next in line. Right there with the Hannah Montana movie. Unfortunitely it is good business because of all the kids and tweens that have no taste in music because this is the shit that is shoved down their throats.

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