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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I love LEGOs and this is absolutely awesome

    +1. Should see the LEGO city and train system the have built. They have an exact replica of the Statehouse, the Huntington Building and 1 Nationwide. I love LEGO's too my boys are finally at the age ghat they like to build them too. I got the LEGO's Technic motorcycle and trail groomer for Christmas.

  2. honestly, I don't think Brady Hoke would be a bad choice at all for them

    I would agree with that. The point I was trying to make is that the program has been degraded so much by RR, IMO, that they need Les Miles (or like) to help not only the team on the field but to help restore the image of the entire program.

  3. I have a BB on Verizon and I can do that. I can be on a phone call and switch them to speakerphone and then toggle over to my email, contacts list, even internet screen.

    You can look at them or a previously loaded web page by you cannot send or receive an e-mail or actively surf the web. You can do both while talking to someone on AT&T's network.

  4. I have to laugh at all of it since I work for the ATT...

    no it does not matter what most say, I dont work for mobility I work for land line and fiber deployment (I.E. engineering). This is just another launch of yet another phone. Nothing different from the norm...

    I work for T as well. These thread make me laugh as well. We'll see how well all the Verizon folks like the iPhone when it loses 50% of its' functionality. While I agree our network is not perfect it does pretty well for the services we provide. We are also in the process of rolling out out LTE network. I have had 4 different providers since the days of bag phones and T is the best I've had and that is not being stated just because they pay my bills. I also do not work for the Mobility group, PBX, IPT and data network install group.

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