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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. nope, it's gonna take some warm days struck together for a week or so to melt the 8+ inches of ice that is my 650' driveway.
  2. Not so fast he says. He is staying but transferred some power to his VP. Egypt just turned into a full blown powder keg. I see the next step being a Coup or a replay of China. I watched his speach and it is clear Mubarak is a tad bit out of touch and a complete wack job. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/10/egypt-unrest-mubarak-may-address-nation-party-chief-says/?hpt=T1&iref=BN1
  3. Judging by that bulbous nose, this ain't her first time abusing the booze. I'm thinking W.C. Fields was her Great Great Grand Pappy.
  4. Just registered for the ERC on May 15th in Delaware.
  5. It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. As a Steelers fan I can honestly say I can't wait for you guys to field a competitive team. I miss the days of a rivalry that means something. Same goes for Michigan.
  6. GLWS at that price. As for the oil pan it's $1k to get it fixed as you have to pull the engine. I just had it done to my 00 Excursion.
  7. Her voice sux when it is not over mixed. Typical of the majority of todays pop shit.
  8. Welcome to OR! Enjoy the madness.
  9. +1. I was sorta hoping to wake up with no power and the Crackberry battery to die but no such luck.
  10. FTFY and would have though that this party would lead to the dream couple of Jbot and Fonzie. I guess OR really is e-Harmony.
  11. 48 hours from now I will be traveling north through Michigan on my way to 3 days of ripping across frozen lakes and rivers and blasting across snow covered fields and trails in the UP. FTMFW!!!! I got into motorcycles because I was bored in the summer.
  12. I sat on it at the show and didn't like the position. It felt like I was leaning backwards instead of upright. Now the Steetfighter on the other hand was "hot as hell" and I do want!!!!
  13. and now for the much aniticipated, long awaited video debut of Fonzie & Kawi Kid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu6twkRaZa4
  14. ....this is no place for rookies. JK, come on out and leave a mere shell of what you were when you arrived.
  15. Two tickets, lower bowl, section 121, row ee, seats 1 & 2 and a parking pass. Selling for $70 , face value $128.
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