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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I had a friend fight the same issue with his registration sticker for his snowmobile in Michigan. He was given a $75 ticket. He went to court, showed proof that he bought the sticker and the the DNR agent didn't check his registration to the judge. The judge threw the ticket out. I'd fight it. Good luck!
  2. I'm getting ready to drop one in my Sprint. I started thread about a week ago. I'm looking at Deka and Shorai. Deka gets some good press on Triumphrat.net as does Shorai. Most of the comments, on TR.n, to the detriment of Shorai are due to lithium ion being relatively new to this application. http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=73448
  3. I heard this morning that it had gone as far as 6 miles inland.
  4. Nice place Justin. Best of luck with the shop! BTW, that RC51 is sharp, if I only had $7500 in disposable income.
  5. No shit. Good thing is happened off- shore. The tsunami has caused a lot of damage but had that quake happened on land it would have been much worse IMO. there is a lot of water moving around right now. It will be interesting to see what happens in Hawaii in about 50 minutes.
  6. Nope, only if you have to enter a PIN. I never use mine as a debit card either.
  7. Had me going for a second. LOL
  8. I wish it would rain more and harder to clean the roads. The dip shits that run our township don't believe in plowing, just spreading stone on the roads for traction. The roads out here are death traps right now. On top of that, the road I live on is now crumbling apart in large sections due to the ice. If history holds true, they will hot patch it then tar and chip the raod when it gets warm.
  9. Tressel suspended for 2 games for tattoo gate. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/fbc_ohio_st_tressel_trouble Let the haters begin their inevitable rants......
  10. I manage people with Cisco Certs. The NA and NP are good entry level, if you have time in job to back them up. The issue that has happened with the base NA and NP is there there are HS vocational programs that have these as part of thier offerings, there are a large amount of sites and tools that allow people who are book smart to pass them without have any real world experience. These people are very easy to uncover when going through the interview process. My word of advice is to pick a area of specialization (wireless, VoIP, router/switch or security) and focus on getting the Cisco certs in that area. Most of my team is router/switch and VoIP certified. The Cisco tests are hard and change every year or so. This is for a reason as the certifcations are a huge cash cow for Cisco. If you want and help or other infromation let me know.
  11. Has anyone used or know anything about Deka batteries (ETX12)? I need to put a new battery in the bike and they got some good press on Triumphrat.net. I did a search and the only mention on here was a car battery.
  12. That's fucking great. I can only imagine the sense of joy he got everytime he was able to log into his machine and get more info.
  13. Sweet video. I saw them about 12 years ago while snowmobiling. Didn't se much of the green color. What we saw a a dark red and a few others colors.
  14. Does any one have a contact or know where you can get clean 55 gallon drums around Columbus? I'd like to get 1 or 2. Looking to use them for burning paper, card board, etc.
  15. All the needs it a voice over says "the power of Christ compels you."
  16. Bah...I still need something for the wife to haul drunks around in as well as my sleds and bike. Mostly the first reason though.
  17. Where did you get your's done and what did it cost?
  18. Sticker was just over $30K, ended up paying $28K. The only thing it didn't come with is mud guards and wheel locks. I also got the 10 year / 100k all inclusive warranty for $1k($600 less than originally quoted). I've never bought an extended warranty before but I'll most likely keep this until it dies. Against your advice I ended up at the dealer you advised against going to since they were the only one in town that had the color we wanted. Other than taking 5 hours , to complete the deal, from the time we got there to the time we left, we didn't have any issues. The Salesman was upfront and didn't try to BS us. We did the test drive, I told him what I was willing to pay and that was it. We drove the Kia before the Sonata, the seats are what made me go with the Sonata. The Kia seats were hard with very thin padding. I liked the dash and the panoramic roof but the seats were the deal breaker. I plan on gettting the windows done as well as some other farkles once the weather breaks for good. Thanks again for the input Ryan. Just NW of Columbus. That all disappeared yesterday with all the rain and was replaced by a 150' x250' temporary pond. I had a small river running across my driveway when I left for work this morning. I still have the Excursion. I bought this since I lost my company car. By the time I get my mileage reimbursment check each month, it will cost me about $70 a month for the payment. Gotta love company cut backs, I go from a beat to shit Malibu to this.
  19. Yep. He bought one a few months ago. If I make it to the meet and great this month, you take it out.
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